The online racing simulator
Test Patch D4 (now D48)
(704 posts, closed, started )
Quote from johneysvk :R/L to adjust bbal, up/down to cycle to ARB settings without having to menu dive, which is frankly annoying.

Is the reason for this missing FXR and FZR not having displays (could pro or something else i'm missing? (maybe a virtual one a la FO8 with wheel disabled could be used)

Well... yes, there isn't one on the dash but if you press F11 then you have a virtual one.

I understand that isn't as pretty and it means you have to temporarily switch off any other virtual display you wanted to see.
Well, while racing it's a lot more distracting due to where it's positioned on screen and having to open/close it every time you want to change something, hence my idea for a virtual display for the two GTRs, i assume an interior redesign is off the table in short term.

However if even this isn't possible, i'd just keep it in mind for future updates, would make a lot of sense to to have this functioning the same way in all the racing cars in the future.

The way it works now makes little sense to me.

edit: the commands are alright, but it also means you have to map additional buttons
If youre at it, maybe add server command for mini map to be turned off on server for everyone? That might be just useful for some fun events.
Changes in D14:

New text commands /liveset and /pitins to perform the function of F11 and F12 menus
You can use operators:
= (set value)
+= (add to value)
-= (subtract from value)


/pitins ftyre = r3 : change front tyres to R3 in pit stop
/pitins rtyre = super : change rear tyres to road super
/pitins fpressure = 1.1 : set front tyre pressure to 1.1 bar
/pitins fpressure += 0.1 : increase requested tyre pressure by 0.1 bar
/pitins cancel : cancel all pit instructions
/pitins tyres always : change all tyres
/pitins tyres 20 : change tyres if wear > 20%

/liveset bbal 60 : set brake balance to 60%
/liveset rarb -= 0.1 : decrease rear ant-roll bar by 0.1

Available options for /pitins:

fuel, tyres, repair, symmetric
ftyre, fcamber_l, fpressure_l, fcamber_r, fpressure_r, fwing
rtyre, rcamber_l, rpressure_l, rcamber_r, rpressure_r, rwing
cancel, fcamber, fpressure, rcamber, rpressure

Available options for /liveset:

bbal, farb, rarb
As an example I have created some scripts for use in formula E. If track is declared "wet" you have to fit road tyres. If track declared "dry" you will want to get back on slicks.

Now you can do that by calling these simple scripts (attached, for your script folder).

Assign to one controller button:
/run wet_tyres
and to another button:
/run dry_tyres

Compare these scripts with the type of script that was necessary in previous versions:
Attached files - 349 B - 199 views
I forgot to mention.

For the "symmetric" and "repair" options you can have no parameter or "no" or "yes"

With no parameter it will toggle the current value.

/pitins symmetric : toggle the symmetric wheel settings
/pitins symmetric yes : symmetric wheel settings
/pitins symmetric no : assymmetric wheel settings
Having done a few updates inspired by the E-Challenge (concrete objects in small map, new commands /status, /pitins, /liveset) I do want to get back to some other things but yesterday's update is not quite finished.

First thing, I want to try to add "psi" or "bar" options to the pressure options. That seems important because if you normally use psi, then /pitins fpressure command using bar units will be confusing. Hopefully that's simple enough, so it would be like:
/pitins fpressure 26psi (bar as default if not specified)

EDIT: I've done the above feature now, so that will be in D15. The rest of this post was about multiple /commands on a single line but I don't think I need feedback on the idea any more as I've thought it through in more detail now.
I've been wanting features like these for years. They're quite handy.
As someone that often just drives with keyboard and mouse, and have one of those 60% mini keyboards. I wouldn't have any space for these commands.

Is there any reason why you couldn't place these in F12, along with the existing pit instructions?
If lack of space is the issue, you could make the F12 have multiple pages.

Though for players that drive with a wheel, i can see that this can be quite handy.
Quote from Scawen :In D11 the Layout Square small map now shows the concrete objects as shown in the attached image.

Hi, a bit late to the party, but could this also an option to be enabled in other tracks as well?
I've had similar idea 12 years ago Big grin
Quote from kristofferandersen :Is there any reason why you couldn't place these in F12, along with the existing pit instructions?

I don't know what you mean. These new instructions only enable what you can already do in the F11 / F12 menus, but without needing to enter those menus. I think they are only really to be used in scripts and key binds, not for live typing.

Quote from xspeedasx :Hi, a bit late to the party, but could this also an option to be enabled in other tracks as well?
I've had similar idea 12 years ago Big grin

Someone else said something like this but what do you really have in mind?

Is it:
- remove the open config small map and display only the "layout square" type of view? (plain rectangle + concrete objects)
- draw concrete objects over the existing small map?
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE : not needed anymore
Quote from xspeedasx :Hi, a bit late to the party, but could this also an option to be enabled in other tracks as well?
I've had similar idea 12 years ago Big grin

I have something like this working on PHP:

I think this idea would be good also for representing open configs.

Quote from Scawen :
Someone else said something like this but what do you really have in mind?

Is it:
- remove the open config small map and display only the "layout square" type of view? (plain rectangle + concrete objects)
- draw concrete objects over the existing small map?

I think drawing objects over the existing map its the best. In my example in PHP above, you can see that you can understand where is the race track with those circles that I draw there, and I used just a few of concrete platforms.

Relevant objects used:
Attached files
SO1Y_poligonero.lyt - 6.6 KB - 164 views
Quote from Scawen :I don't know what you mean. These new instructions only enable what you can already do in the F11 / F12 menus

A bit emberassing hhaha. This one's on me, i just learned i can change tyres, pressure, camber etc through F12. All these years all i've changed through F12 is the amount of fuel to refill after a pitstop.

Oh my days, after 12 years of playing LFS i keep learning new things. All good then! My gosh..
Perhaps an idea for open configs could be to have new object type like the circle which has an index and radius, lets call this new invisible object "minimap path circle item".

It would be a secuential, so after adding the item 1, the next would be number 2, and so on.

LFS would then draw a the mini map based on the "minimap path circle items", straight line from 1 to number 2, then to number 3,4....20 and once in the last, link it to the first "minimap path circle item" to close the track / or perhaps leave it open for a single stage course. Radius would be used to have a race lane width, but perhaps thats not needed as most likely this would be used in open configs, not in square parks (or even car parks?).
Regarding showing concrete objects on map - I don't see any use of that in other tracks,but in lots like AU1,BL4 and WE3 would surely be useful to have some markings on map.
Quote from Scawen :Is it:
- remove the open config small map and display only the "layout square" type of view? (plain rectangle + concrete objects)
- draw concrete objects over the existing small map?

* Layout square type of view could be too sparse unless you'd display track limits (and probably all solid objects) in it too.

* Concrete objects over small map would be too confusing and crowded.

Maybe a hybrid solution between those two - an actual minimap (real top-down view or colored image of track) with additional markings of the objects.

As Neon mentioned - it would be helpful to display custom layouts on open tracks or simply extra chicanes, etc.
Considering some of these changes were for EV cars, maybe an addon of recharge gauge would not be bad.

IT could be a simple graph instead of clutch pedal graph or it could be something stylized like EV cars have. This is how it looks like in Hyundai Kona, its one graph for both power and charge - it shows you estimates in real time while you drive.

Quote from NumberTwo :IT could be a simple graph instead of clutch pedal graph or it could be something stylized like EV cars have.

Maybe a clutch pedal bar replacement at first, quick and easy to implement (hopefully, if the values can be extracted from the physics system without any trouble). And eventually something for the dashboard display.
Clutch pedal already would be awesome, just a simple graphical representation of recharging amount.
Regarding the poor download speeds on remote networks:

I had been thinking about this for quite a while, mainly under the shower lol, and I think the main cause here might not be the LFS client, but the web server instead, or the default TCP parameters to be precise.

The theory: Let’s say we want to have a target speed of 100 mbit/s to a host 1000ms away. That means that the earliest time we could expect an ACK packet is 2 seconds after sending. That’s the round trip time (RTT). So, at the said speed of 100 mbit/s, we're gonna have 25 MB! of data on the wire at the same time. That is a lot!

As TCP is designed to re-send lost packets, the server needs to hold a copy of all the 25MB of data in its output buffer until the client has acknowledged the reception.

So here lies the problem. Most Linux default values are not set for such networking conditions, which means some tuning is necessary to make it perform well in this scenario.

This is just a theory, but it makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? I’ve found some articles on the internet supporting this. LFN (long fat network) is the keyword.

Here is one:
/pitins and /liveset commands work fine and are really useful! Will update LFSManual once released, to note the new options and give examples.

Minor thing: I just noticed the arrows on the minimap are elongated, compared to 7D. I guess this was introduced with the new arrow coloring (by nickname), somewhere before 7D8, but not sure it was intended. For me personally, I'm so used to the old arrows and would prefer having the old shapes back Smile I mean it is a really small thing, but on crowded minimaps (during races or busy cruise) it is just wasted space and lowers readability. Attached 7D (usual arrows) and 7D8-14 screenshots with the elongated arrows.
Attached images
@chucknorris: Thanks for the info and link.

@MandulAA: Thanks for the feedback and future manual updates. Smile

The arrows changed when I added a circle for objects (well suited to the football) and at first it was an oval, so I adjusted the code to produce the 'correct' shape for the object. I think that same arrow is used as a mouse cursor in VR. I'm not sure if I should try to squash the same arrow a bit in this view (to make it more like before) provide a different character with a fatter look or just make it a bit smaller.
It looks like I can add the charge / discharge power display easily.

How about if they both use the clutch pedal display (that is unused on EV). Maybe grey for discharge (when accelerating) and blue for charge (when braking) ?
Why not. In my model3, the colour code is black for discharge and green for reload...not very sexy

/pitins pressure commands now accept a unit, either psi or bar (no unit = bar)
E.g. /pitins fpressure 30 psi

Two new language strings display charge instead of fuel in F11 / F12 menus

An EV charge/discharge power bar in place of the clutch bar
- only visible if Options - View - Show pedals is enabled
Quote from Scawen :...
The arrows changed when I added a circle for objects (well suited to the football) and at first it was an oval, so I adjusted the code to produce the 'correct' shape for the object.

(now people will think I'm all over minimap arrows, haha Smile )

Another thing I noticed are "smudges" on the right all of the arrows (when pointing straight up, its on the right of each arrow). They do travel with the arrows, so I suspect they are part of the arrow shape somehow. In the attached image, the yellow ones are more visible, mainly between T1 and T2 on the map - zooming to 200-300% shows them clearly.
Attached images
This thread is closed

Test Patch D4 (now D48)
(704 posts, closed, started )