Hello everyone! I started a little project and I got stuck at MCI packet. I used from iCS Source position/location for pit exit(wrong exit) for BL1 map but i'm not sure it works fine because insim send the message before passing the line from pit exit
Or maybe my code from binded event isn't good? It's the same from iCS too.
How do you use/code this packet?
// Pit EXIT
if (pathx >= -27 && pathx <= -24 && pathy >= 65 && pathy <= 67)
if (Conn.ExitZone == 0)
if (direction > 330 || direction < 20)
MsgAll("^7>> " + Conn.NoColPlyName + " - ^7wrong exit");
Conn.ExitZone = 1;
Or maybe my code from binded event isn't good? It's the same from iCS too.
How do you use/code this packet?