Poll : What do you think of the Fragmaster team

What community, didn't know they had one
They only race oval don't they?
Don't like the community, don't like the drivers
Like the community, like the drivers
Don't like the community, like the drivers
Like the community, don't like the drivers
Don't feed the Troll! Long lives the Troll!

end of message
FM seem to have totally shot themselfs in the foot with this thread. Its almost like they got bored and decided to have an arguement just for the hell of it.

If you want to be taken seriously, stop talking like prepubescent gangster wannabes.
Quote from Shotglass :fm ... keeping the americans off the real tracks 24/7 ... in that respect i like you

lol thats funny(sarcasm) you should go tell that to eagle im sure they wouldnt be so happy
Well, reading through this thread certainly made my decision! Had I got here sooner, it would simply have been a vote for 'what community?' as I'd never (beyond seeing the Oval Junkies in the server list) heard of them.

I even had a blast on their oval last night, and although there wasn't any admins around to enforce the silly passing rules, the constant messages and scripts were more than a little annoying. My advice would be remove quite a few of the automatic messages as they can be very distracting, especially the ones that appear right in the middle of the screen, and to lengthen the time between the rule reminder (Shift-S) message. Many LFS racers may have short atttention spans, but does it have to appear quite so frequently?

Following a link to the FM 'community' forum pretty much sealed the deal. I know the vote means diddly, but the stats might help FM realise they have some room for improvement....
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :FM seem to have totally shot themselfs in the foot with this thread. Its almost like they got bored and decided to have an arguement just for the hell of it.

If you want to be taken seriously, stop talking like prepubescent gangster wannabes.

Another good example, that people dont read the entire thread.
As Thorvertoninan stated before on page 4 or so, it was his idea, no other member of FM knew about the thread before it was posted.
So another silly commentary that is just a waste of webspace..
Oh dear, what a waste!!
You FM guys just want to turn the tables all the time, despite all the facts. Good luck with that.
Useless Torben. You can even talk to a tree. Maybe trees never answering that stupid.
Quote from Crazy Harry :Useless Torben. You can even talk to a tree. Maybe trees never answering that stupid.


Judging by the results... FM who??
Quote from Torben :Another good example, that people dont read the entire thread.
As Thorvertoninan stated before on page 4 or so, it was his idea, no other member of FM knew about the thread before it was posted.
So another silly commentary that is just a waste of webspace..

Another good example of people not even reading the post they have quoted. I didn't say you started the thread, i said you shot yourself in the foot WITH this thread. Its the way you have conducted yourselfs while trying to ask why people don't like you that i was talking about.
I thought the same thing. May I say something surreal about trees now?
Quote from Crazy Harry :You can even talk to a tree. Maybe trees never answering that stupid.

harry ... insanity is a gradual process ... dont rush it
Maybe you´re not familar with german metaphors. Strange.
As a member of a Team within the FM community, Id like to just say that i agree with most of this thread. Both sides have bashed on the other. All that can be done now is sort the constructive data from the erroneous.

Harry, Ive read your posts here and in the FM forum. Humorless and immature in any thread you disagree with. Telling someone how stupid you think they are isn't constructive and isnt helping your team's or your personal reputation. If you want to improve it, try a little professionalism.

Any member of Zwarte Wind Racing that behaves in such a way warrants a talking to about thier attitude, as we race outside of the FM community (all forms of racing) and as such are representatives (in no official function, but by association). As FM community members this affects us as well. Dont let the attitude of the vocal few affect your oppinion of the silent majority. Pop on vent, chat with us, and runs some races with us (no kb drivers PLEASE, you make us very very nervous with your jittery moves). Up for just about anything to relax from the multiple series we have entered.
Spot on, Keiichi.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Another good example of people not even reading the post they have quoted. I didn't say you started the thread, i said you shot yourself in the foot WITH this thread. Its the way you have conducted yourselfs while trying to ask why people don't like you that i was talking about.

Ärm, NO. You said FM shot themselfs in the foot. Thats not true. Thorvertonian shot FM in the foot (to stick with your words). No other FM wanted that thread to be started, so dont say FM shot themselfs in the foot.
I think what QS was saying is that a FM member started the thread and other FM member's came in and shot themselves in the foot. I dont think Thor is the one that shot you guy's in the foot... it's the other one('s) that did.
Quote from th84 :I think what QS was saying is that a FM member started the thread and other FM member's came in and shot themselves in the foot. I dont think Thor is the one that shot you guy's in the foot... it's the other one('s) that did.

No, I dont think it was the other FM Members (including me) that shot FM in the foot. Thor started ths thread for any reason he had, but he hadnt discussed it with the rest of the FM-Team/Community. All what we other members tried to do is defending our position and deal with insults thrown towards the FM Team, The FM Oval Server, The Oval Drivers in General.
Fact is, for example, that no one gets kicked for standing in his pitbox. But standing in the pitlane for example leads to a yellow flag on the track and that is distracting because you step off the throttle watching out for cars on the track. But if u tell people that, they just lough at you, or start calling you names. And people posting they got kicked for doing nothing, just lie and twist the reality to their needs.
And trying to explain such things in such a thread leads also to getting flamed and called names. It's always the admins that do something wrong. But some people have to look in the mirror or touch their own nose (german saying) before blaming others.
I took thor's thread as a bit of a feedback thread much like other teams, league's and server admin's have done. I dont know what his motives were, but i bet they werent for the thread to turn out like it has. If the rest of your team didnt know his plan's, that dont make it the rest of the community's fault that youve recieved honest opinions. Personally, i have no problem with most of your rules for your server. You (and team) pay for the server and have every right to run it the way you see fit. This thread, imo, shows that the problem is more about the attitude that is showed while enforcing those rules.

I understand your feelings about the yellow flag being shown is distracting, but wouldnt the same be said for all those on screen messages, both the chat box and rcm style? I also understand and agree with the shift+s after crash rule, but i dont think it would be needed as much if those barriers werent all around the track Why are they needed for 7 or 8 lap pick up races anyway? I can see the need in a long race where multiple pit stop's would be made.

You have to expect to hear some negative feedback when a thread like this is started. I think the comment's both here and on your team forum by Harry have turned it into something else. I also think most of your racers, alot of them i have raced with both on your server and other's, are good guy's, but like i said before, it only takes one to ruin the bunch.

I hope that you or the rest of your team dont feel like ive insulted you in any way because that wasnt my intention. I didnt see any insults from anyone here until Harry started posting. (other than the fu***** munkie's comment, which wasnt needed)
Quote from th84 :... didnt see any insults from anyone here until Harry started posting. ..

Erm... can you show me the post? Can´t find it...
What's the point? If you read back through the thread and cant find them, me pointing them out for you wont do much good huh?

But i do remember things like "life skill", and "get a brain" among other's. Not to mention your comments on your forum.
Quote from th84 :I understand your feelings about the yellow flag being shown is distracting, but wouldnt the same be said for all those on screen messages, both the chat box and rcm style? I also understand and agree with the shift+s after crash rule, but i dont think it would be needed as much if those barriers werent all around the track Why are they needed for 7 or 8 lap pick up races anyway? I can see the need in a long race where multiple pit stop's would be made.

I think especially in a 8 lap race based server the barriers are needed. Let me try to explain my opinion. If someone joins the server and sees, 8 lap race. Its clear that this server isnt meant be, how shall I say, Race Purists. Its about to have 5 minutes of action, fun and high speeds. And that over and over again. Alright, what will that new visitor do? Pick a set, pit out and do some laps for practice( to get into the track, car, etc..) until that race is over and the next one starts. Alright, imagine that new racer pitting out without the barriers. He most probably wont see the yellow line indicating the pitlane, or he even doesnt think about it, as the pitlane isnt separated by a band of green for example (HINT HINT TO THE DEVS). So right after the wall has ended he will most problably just steer to the left (edit, he will steer right on the track of course, damn oval-sickness, left-left-left-left.. lol)(edit2. see, we even make fun of ourselves..) onto the track (with max 100 km/h or 60 mp/h, cause of pitlimiter, you understand). So, a car coming onto the track with 60 mp/h and cars approaching from behind with over 200 mp/h just cant get well.
And by the way, I cant find anything distracting about the barriers. If they werent there and you would come on the flat part of the track you lap / or even race is done anyways..
All good point's, but i still feel they are not needed for 8 lap races. Why not just use no mid race join? We will just have to agree to disagree on that point. I do feel like they are distracting though, not only are they brutal to your fp's (mine anyway, cant speak for others), but if you even touch them your race is through, unlike scraping the wall or touching the grass, which is not so hard to correct. Im just trying to point the thing's that I feel would improve the racing on your server. That doesnt mean you have to use them

I like the idea of a diffrent color line for pitlane though.
You talking about starting. Not answering. Dude, you wrong. Sorry that you can´t find the first insultings here. May I help you?

Quote from zeugnimod :Looking at some other threads here, you could have expected the outcome of this poll, couldnt you?


Quote from Shotglass :fm ... keeping the americans off the real tracks 24/7 ... in that respect i like you

Quote from Bob Smith :No idea. Sound like they should stick to CS with all the 12 year olds.

Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Theirs is possibly one of the worst oval servers i have raced in, as people are banned for crashes they do not cause, and if an admin spins the whole race is restarted.

Quote from detail :I haven't seen you ever giving a setup to others. "It's team setup" - you say.

Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i thought FM stood for "F**king Munkies"

And, m8, I didn´t flame anithing till all this stuff was posted. Plaztik tried to explain, but ....
Quote from th84 :All good point's, but i still feel they are not needed for 8 lap races. Why not just use no mid race join? We will just have to agree to disagree on that point. I do feel like they are distracting though, not only are they brutal to your fp's (mine anyway, cant speak for others), but if you even touch them your race is through, unlike scraping the wall or touching the grass, which is not so hard to correct. Im just trying to point the thing's that I feel would improve the racing on your server. That doesnt mean you have to use them

I appreciate your constructive criticism. But believe me, we run that server for a while and we tried it in different ways in the beginning, and the way with the barriers came out as the best solution, as I remember people asking why mid-race join is off in an 8 lap race.. There are always different opinions, but IMHO experience with a subject validates a certain opinion about that subject.
This thread is closed

What do you think of the Fragmaster Team?
(239 posts, closed, started )