VRAY power ! Soon to be final. Maybe fix some aspect etc, but little modifications only.
Dont have so much time at the moment, because of that I have not adjusted textures etc.
HDRI and Backplate - from T.Suurland.
If needed I can show the same result with high polygon Audi Low poly cars cannot be compared, but you can check the quality difference.
I cant show that right now, because they are actually uncomparable. I can explain how. Scirocco had this problem and it is because of low polygon - the model is not enough smooth.
Ok heres Audi (glass material should be more reflective, but still working on it) ( i have several projects ).
As you can see this car doesnt have such problems. Reflection are much more smoother and nicer.
Maybe test some other high poly cars too, but those later.
And I keep repeating that Vray materials are much more complicated and needs lot of work to get right. Glass has refraction settings, reflections , IOR etc.
Quite good render, but look at the wheels. They are too big :P
Yea for the sake of rendering time, its not pixelated tho. On my LCD it isnt and for my friend too. As you can see I dont use the full rendering size. And again : they were TEST renders, not final.
What do you use to resize? I think the images would look awesome without pixelating.
If you resize with paint shop or something, turn off the jpg compression.