lfs needs one of these
(33 posts, started )
lfs needs one of these
No - it doesn't.

This is LFS - not 1nsane Off Road you know.
there was a raod going version of that buggy which was fully legal. but i stilll think it would be nice to have something along that line. i know everyon goes on about lfs being a race sim and that certain things would be to arcadey, but they still play cops and robbers dont they? this is lfs not Gta :P
I wouldn't mind for such an addition. It would be like a slightly larger MRT for the autocross tracks.

But I would prefer to see karts first.
#5 - ajp71
Well the UF1 is probably the least convincing car in terms of realism in LFS atm, so creating something with Mini sub frames probably isn't a wise choice. Until chassis flex is simulated LFS should probably stick to rally cars.
I wouldn't mind one, kinda like one of them Rage Buggies.
Quote :I wouldn't mind one, kinda like one of them Rage Buggies

my brother used to have one, exactly like the link which he built himself as a kit car. pity i was only young then so i never got a go in it
If memory serves, there is or was, (or maybe it was rumoured, who knows?) a similar test vehicle in LFS.
Quote from Hog700 :No - it doesn't.

This is LFS - not 1nsane Off Road you know.

bah, you would'nt know what LFS is about, your a demo player

i say ... anything offroad will ease the pain of the few rally servers nowadays
Quote :bah, you would'nt know what LFS is about, your a demo player

i wanted to say something about him being a demo player when he sed that, but i remember somewhere else demo players get really defensive when they shown for what they are, and then people end up going on at the s2 player for giving the demo players a hard time, ironic isnt it.
well i mean, its not supposed to be something taken personally, its just if you have demo, you miss out from everything S2 offers.. you only have 3 cars, 2 of which aren't really any fun to offroad, and the other.. your lucky if you can handle it offroad

i dont hate demo players, its just that they dont know what LFS really is with only 1 track and 3 cars
I would like to have a buggy in LFS, one more car will not hurt....
I think we'll have another new car before or as S3 is released.
Quote from nutty boy :I think we'll have another new car before or as S3 is released.

have you heard any rumours as to what it will be? we need something different instead of gtr versions of the existing cars. not that im complaining about anything on lfs. tis best simulator i know
I never said for definate that we are I just said that it's more than likely we will. S3 could be years away yet (hopefully it's not though)
oh. (look of disapointment on face) i get excited fairly easy u c. lol

EDIT: that dusnt sound right does it?
Quote from Captain Slow :oh. (look of disapointment on face) i get excited fairly easy u c. lol

EDIT: that dusnt sound right does it?

Look at it this way, if Scavier, listened to all the dumbass suggestions for car types that have been made here in the last 3 years or so .... we'd have just bout every car type, truck, bike, trike made in the world today.

so I guess whatever you want COULD be in S3, depends on what the devs say doesn't it.

Me, I say the buggy type stuff is not appropriate for the tracks we have in LFS at present, there was a big thread some time ago discussing the direction ppl would like LFS to take in that thread.

It seemed the conscensus wanted a 'dedicated rally pack addon' you know rally only tracks and rally only cars, which I think would be great for those that like to rally

My thoughts ...
i wasnt being specific to that exact modal, i just meant some sort of off road vehicle that was out of the ordinary. however everyone is entitled to their own opinion so but lighten up a bit eh?
needs something more like this...

tats just takin it too far lad :P id like one in real life tho
Quote from XCNuse :bah, you would'nt know what LFS is about, your a demo player

And of course - being a demo player means I'm not entitled to opinion, and I get frowned upon for "merely" being a demo player.

The fact that I'm will be S2 licenced in a few weeks when I sort my house move will of course magically promote me to the ranks of the worthy will it? Or will the fact that I've not been licenced as long as you still make me a less worthy driver.......???

Stop being a snob and looking down your nose at those of us that as yet haven't taken the plunge. See you in a S2 server soon.........
Quote from Captain Slow :demo players get really defensive when they shown for what they are

And that would be?
#23 - Jakg
Quote from Hog700 :And of course - being a demo player means I'm not entitled to opinion, and I get frowned upon for "merely" being a demo player.

The fact that I'm will be S2 licenced in a few weeks when I sort my house move will of course magically promote me to the ranks of the worthy will it? Or will the fact that I've not been licenced as long as you still make me a less worthy driver.......???

Stop being a snob and looking down your nose at those of us that as yet haven't taken the plunge. See you in a S2 server soon.........

no, its just you get a demo racer come along and ask for something, saying there bored with what they have, and somehow expect they are "owed" this content when they havent paid anything, and havent even tryed any of the stuff in S2
Quote :And that would be?

someone who has not had expeiriance of all the cars and tracks of s2. or in some peoples case, someone who doesnt really like racing an awfull lot, but downloaded the demo just for the crack. (by crack i do not mean illegal game, im from north east). thats all i mean.
Quote from Hog700 :No - it doesn't.

This is LFS - not 1nsane Off Road you know.

I'm sorry are you taking crazy pills, what about the rally/autocross track

lfs needs one of these
(33 posts, started )