The online racing simulator
Hi Folks!

Been Messing about in Lfs for a few weeks now, I have a HTC vive and recently got a Logitech G29 wheel With shifter and had been looking for a great running simulator, i had no idea how great a game this would be, so i bought an s2 licence a few days ago and have been hooked ever since. Most Immersive thing i have ever done in VR and its great that i can play along with everyone rocking pc's/laptops. I feel like this is the Car/sim equivalent of Arma the way online feels.

Anyway just wanted to say hello! I know the game is old in the realms of things but i see a community still stands and i think its great that this game has stood the test of time so well!

See you out there Smile
Quote from Shinodan :Hi Folks!

Been Messing about in Lfs for a few weeks now, I have a HTC vive and recently got a Logitech G29 wheel With shifter and had been looking for a great running simulator, i had no idea how great a game this would be, so i bought an s2 licence a few days ago and have been hooked ever since. Most Immersive thing i have ever done in VR and its great that i can play along with everyone rocking pc's/laptops. I feel like this is the Car/sim equivalent of Arma the way online feels.

Anyway just wanted to say hello! I know the game is old in the realms of things but i see a community still stands and i think its great that this game has stood the test of time so well!

See you out there Smile

Welcome Smile
Hi, i'm not new, but got questions, got my license a few years i upgrade it to s3.
In multiplayer i connect other players "some server" says when i go to pick any car, go to s2 license to use car...
where can i change my license?Big grin
S3 content is atm only Rockingham
Quote from Apollo21 :Hi, i'm not new, but got questions, got my license a few years i upgrade it to s3.
In multiplayer i connect other players "some server" says when i go to pick any car, go to s2 license to use car...
where can i change my license?Big grin

You might be playing on a Demo server, or the server has certain cars disabled, as if you buy S3 you will have S3 content + S2 content + S1 content + Demo content. Basically with S2 you already have access to all the content (except Rockingham) on LFS, and S3 will include more content for sure, its just a mistery for now what will be added and Rockingham was the track to ""sponsor"" S3.
Hi All, new here.

Just downloaded the Demo but I'm sure I'll upgrade quite soon.

I drive an NA Miata and autocross on weekends. In order to improve my driving (and understanding of vehicle dynamics), I've begun looking at data acquisition and analysis.

LFS looks PERFECT for me. I'm excited to get practice at home as well as pull data from runs to play with; understanding how to use that data to be faster; as well as tuning my car.

Right now I only have an XBOX360 Controller; I'm looking the Thrustmaster T150 when I have the space and budget for a wheel. I will also attempt to drive with my mouse/trackball haha!

A few questions (to be fair I haven't messed around with it yet; so I apologize if they answers are obvious):

1. Is there a way to get the computer to run a "perfect lap"? Sorta like in OptimumLap; so I have a reference to approach. I see the "Pro" AI; is that a good place to start or still easily beatable by a good driver? Can I export that lap to look at the data and compare mine?

2. Is there an autocross course generator? One that follows SCCA guidelines would be awesome. Not crucial, but it'd be nice. I found the thread on the layout database so I'm sure I'll be happy for a (long) while.

(kinda a followup to q1+q2Smile A computer driver run a "perfect lap" on a custom autocross course would be awesome ...

3. I'll probably be focusing on the XRG as it's RWD with similar power to the Miata. It is a bit bigger and heavier though. Any plans to include a Miata-type car? same power as XRG but a bit lighter with double wishbone suspension...

4. Would love to eventually get a VR setup; or maybe a 3 screen setup. Does this require a lot of computer power? I'm trying to find what are recommended specs for a 3 screen or VR setup; it's difficult to find any feedback! Any would be appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance! Sorry about the long post; I appreciate if you've made it this far Big grin

Quote from daftKow :1. Is there a way to get the computer to run a "perfect lap"? Sorta like in OptimumLap; so I have a reference to approach. I see the "Pro" AI; is that a good place to start or still easily beatable by a good driver? Can I export that lap to look at the data and compare mine?

2. Is there an autocross course generator? One that follows SCCA guidelines would be awesome. Not crucial, but it'd be nice. I found the thread on the layout database so I'm sure I'll be happy for a (long) while.

(kinda a followup to q1+q2Smile A computer driver run a "perfect lap" on a custom autocross course would be awesome ...

3. I'll probably be focusing on the XRG as it's RWD with similar power to the Miata. It is a bit bigger and heavier though. Any plans to include a Miata-type car? same power as XRG but a bit lighter with double wishbone suspension...

4. Would love to eventually get a VR setup; or maybe a 3 screen setup. Does this require a lot of computer power? I'm trying to find what are recommended specs for a 3 screen or VR setup; it's difficult to find any feedback! Any would be appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance! Sorry about the long post; I appreciate if you've made it this far Big grin


Welcome first of all!

Answering the question/s:

1. Well, even in PRO you can beat them easily if experienced enough. To get you an idea:
BL2 (Blackwood Historic) with Formula BMW: A good lap for average racers is mid-low1:12s-low1:13s, and AI on PRO do 1:15-1:16s. Its good for references, but for online racing its pretty bad. Idk if you already discovered it, but pressing 4 both on numpad or the numbers below Fbuttons, you can toggle the race line, which will help you learning the track. AI runs 2-3 seconds below average racer laptime to resume such a testament.

2. If I understood the question well, Autocross has only MRT SCCA-alike layouts by default. Sadly there isn't any SCCA-like layouts by default for other cars, so you'll have to create them yourself, or search around the forums for them :S.

3. For now the top-priority is to release a new and improved Tyre Physics and the Volkswagen Scirocco. I'd leave that on a not certain. There will be more content added thats for sure, but we don't know which cars and tracks will be. It's a big question mark for now.

4. I'm not into VR, so maybe another user experienced enough with VR will answer you this question better than I could even do Nod.

Hope I answered your questions. Have fun racing on LFS!.
Quote from daftKow :4. Would love to eventually get a VR setup; or maybe a 3 screen setup. Does this require a lot of computer power? I'm trying to find what are recommended specs for a 3 screen or VR setup; it's difficult to find any feedback! Any would be appreciated.

Hi daftKow - welcome to the forum.

I can't comment on the 3-screen setup, but I'd suspect it would need far more power to run than a VR headset. I myself have been happily running an Oculus Rift DK2 on an i5-4590 with a GTX660 video card without any problems (no overclocking either). It plays other VR compatible race sims without complaint too.

My headset recently bricked itself, and I've had to go back to driving on a screen - it's so difficult! There's a whole lot of directional feedback that comes in directly through your neck and eyes that is totally missing on a flat screen. I could compare it to having your steering force-feedback switched off - it's that dramatically different.

Luckily the price of the Oculus is falling quite rapidly right now, so I'll definitely be investing in another soon Smile
Thank you so much to Ibtasim6781 and Shirtkicker for the detailed responses!

A followup to my questions:

1. I discovered the LFS Hotlap Analyzer: If I understand correctly; these are the current records for the particular tracks on a particular car? Looks like I can download the RAF/SPR of these laps. This is perfect for me; data to learn to analyze and learn to drive!

2. I will take take notes of autocrosses I attend and create my own courses Smile

3. Tyre Physics would be excellent! The XRG is good enough for me for now.

4. i5-4590 with a GTX660; thank you for the data point! DK2 is 960x1080 per eye. So that's 2M pixels approximately. You're right; 3 screens @ 1920x1080 per screen is a lot more pixels. 3 times as many in fact haha. I'm happy to hear that VR gives a whole different level of immersion; just poked around Youtube a bit and it looks amazing! Definitely will have to start saving pennies for that Smile

Thanks again, looking forward to start driving! Cheers,
1) yes, those are the worldrecord laps.
Also see

4) to connect three screens you need a graphic card with at least one displayport output.
(eg a card with 2x DVI and 1x HDMI can not run 3 screens)

Since you mention analyzing so much, maybe this tool is interessting:
It works with the LFS cars and there are MX-5 files for download.
@Gutholz - i think the VHPA link was dead last time i tried it
hm, works for me
yeah nvm, must have been something else
Hello everyone. I'm new here. For the moment taking the training classes and learning what to do :-)
Welcome and enjoy
(NephewNumber1) DELETED by Scawen : spammer
forgot to say this in march 2015, but hello
Hi, had LFS installed since 2003 or thereabouts, but only recently got an S1 licence. I'm a bit rubbish at simracing, but I still love it. And I have a microsoft sidewinder wheel which I think may actually be older than LFS is.
Hello mate! I had also sidewinder for a short period many many years ago Smile much better than keyboard Wink
hello im new on this website i love this game i just wanted to say only this Smile
welcome Thumbs up
Hello from Canada. I restart playing this game again, very fun

but need some practice.
Hello, I'm new on LFS and i play now on the demo but in few days, i think that i will buy the S3 license Smile
Welcome Nicoule! Keep in mind, that you can buy the full stuff also also in pieces - first buy S1, then S2, and then if you still hungry for smthing more, buy S3. It will not cost you more.

Generally S2 contains already 90% of the content. Just to give you a tip.
I know, i want just to buy the full game, because i hope the devs will do updates in few months !

New players say hi here
(3743 posts, started )