Hello Folks, I'm new to the boards, but not really new to the game. I used to play it back in S1 Patch A and B were around. I lost my S1 codes, so I'm stuck playing demo for now. I originally bought the game to get my racing/adrenaline fix off-track and give me a way to analyze my driving skills and improve without dumping tons of money into gas and entrance fees (they add up very quickly). Those days are gone (for now), but I still have a nagging pit in my stomach that drives me to race.
(Shameless sucking up section) I can say that LFS is the ONLY game (if you can really call it that) that matches the RL experience to pushing a vehicle, and yourself, to its limits. I still find it amusing that with big budget titles like GT4/GT5 and the like, they can't put that cash into where it's important. So, thank you to the developers in creating a "simulation" game that is actually a "simulation". To those who think the game is "outdated" (I just read a LFS sucks thread), if you have ever been to a "real" race track and auto-x events (most are held in parking lots too) without the crowds, the tracks are boring as hell and usually an eye sore. If you want "pretty" scenery, go take a drive in the mountains. If you have time to look at the scenery then you aren't driving fast enough.
I will be asking technical questions in the forum after I install the analyzer software because the "Training" section of the game is fantasic but I'm still stuck at 13:98 on the Slalom Course - GTI. I can't seem to get that last 1/2 second...there is probably something I'm doing wrong

Anyway, glad to be back and please excuse my "Wall-O-Text"