The online racing simulator
Quote from johnnylightning :Well you can thank ghostrider83, insanedragon, & redwolfwitch for getting me to check out LFS. yes for now I'm a demo player and I plane to get S2 soon. I'm not that great at making skins but I've been working on it as I go. I came up with my username becasue I like the Johnny Lightning cars. So you can start looking for me to post look alikes from there site soon.

Name: Bobbie Reisen
What kind of team are you looking for? I'm looking for a race team
Age: 26
Country: United States of America
Preferred Car/Track: XRG, XRT, & XRR at ASTON
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: N/A
How Active Are You? This joined today but I'll be on as much asw I can.
What Kind of Control do you use? Xbox 360 controller
Time Zone: Pacfic Standard Time GMT -8

updated my original post.
Quote from Hezath :Yeah absolutely I mean I only bought it the other day but the average server is pathetic, I've found myself entering DEMO servers occasionally because they're the only ones that are properly populated. Is LFS dying in the arse?

In fact, I have to say I'm a bit disapointed with the number of available racing S2 servers. I was hopping for a 1 Demo for 2 S2 servers relation but in fact is the opposite.

Although, there are some good servers with plenty of people RACING! The one I've been racing the most is the [AMG] GTR Motorsport always with an average of 22 guys in the grid at 23:00 UTC.

I'm hopping it might be caused by this Christmas time.
Same thing. I've been playing LFS since 2002 and bought it in 2006, but since 2007 (patch Y) when XRT was removed from DEMO, it just gets worse.
New here and checking in!
Hiya, Kilborn230 here. Just got the game today and i have to say its by far the best feeling sim i've played. Just starting out and learning the tracks 1 layout at a time . I'm currently using a Logitech DFGT and should be recieving my Fanatec 911 Turbo S in a month or so.
i agree
i agree where are al the real race servers..... the ones i find that are populated all seem to want to ram..... i would love to find a good clean server...... Oh yeah and i am new..... lol
Been playing the demo for the last week, love it! I want to buy the rest soon but I am worried that I may never leave my computer again.

(I'm running LFS on Ubuntu with wine and it works perfectly )
Another newb checking in. Recently picked up a Logitech MOMO wheel and loving it with LFS. A match made in heaven.
Hello everyone, newbie here. I just bought my S2 license.
Just wanted to say hello, see you on the track.
Quote from Kapi :Hello everyone, newbie here. I just bought my S2 license.
Just wanted to say hello, see you on the track.

Wellcome to S2
just saying hello
newbie here, hello all just bought the game and love it (still cant drive straight lol)

We are a very friendly bunch here at LFS Forum. If you have any troubles, don't be afraid to ask for some help. Just make sure it is in the right section so people can find it.

Oh, and avoid "The Very End". He is the Forums famed drunk.
Hi and welcome to the forums

Have a browse around in the beginners section for some good tips on car control etc

General "hello" posts usually go here

oops sorry about that, i will have a read thanks again
Hi and welcome to LFS!
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Howdy!

We are a very friendly bunch here at LFS Forum. If you have any troubles, don't be afraid to ask for some help. Just make sure it is in the right section so people can find it.

Oh, and avoid "The Very End". He is the Forums famed drunk.

'Ello to you.
Ok, so maybe I'm not so friendly.


I don't get it.

Are you guys pulling those smiles because I said it, or because you disagree? I personally think people here are friendly.
We've successfully ruined this guys thread now....

See! What a friendly bunch we are!
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :We are a very friendly bunch here at LFS Forum.

LFS Forum has only existed since 2005.

Welcome to LFS!

I'm quite new here so i want to say hello to community. For now i did only ~4100km but this going to change since i bought a christmass present for me yesterday - a brand new logitech diving force gt

Happy Xmas racing (especially UF1)!
Hey guys im kinda new here im hopping to get S2 soon but it depends on how my work is going.
nice to see ya all on the servers and HEY!!!!

New players say hi here
(3743 posts, started )