The online racing simulator
#1 - MR_B
24th of July at 1pm the Clean Racers Club re-opens its doors!
As of the 24th of July at 1pm the Clean Racers Club re-opens its doors!

We've been in a state of re-juvenation after a difficult year, and over the past two weeks we have a added a new application system, new websites and new branches to the hub of the CRC. In the following weeks you should look to see a new website called FocusOn which deals with news about the CRC's events, LFS team events, how to guides (which will deffinately help you guys out with the cluttered forums) and pleanty more. Also the return of the events website will appear, and so will a skins website and a dedicated setups website!

So come visit us at 1pm onwards for the CRC's new launch and for it's birthday! - More than just clean racing.