The online racing simulator
#1 - cuni
Motorcycle / Bike mouse setup and view guide
With the new D48 update and the possible upcoming events for motorcycle drivers, I decided to disclose what I found to be the best way to drive motorcycles on LFS. This is a simple guide to get players started on driving motorcycles with only a mouse controller, not to be seen as 'the best way to be the fastest'.

To set up the mouse as the accelerator, brake and steering for the bike (or car), you need to set up the combined acceleration and braking on the same axis, and the steering on the other one. Go to the LFS options-controller and set the settings as shown on the image below :
  • Select wheel/joystick
  • Throttle / brake axis combined
  • Gear shift mode sequential
  • Clutch and handbrake button (in the video below the clutch is automatic)
  • Now to attribute each axis to the mouse :
  • click on 'Axes/FF' to show the available axis
  • click on 'Steer' to configure which axis will do the steering
  • Then on the right side of the screen under 'Available axes' select Mouse X (left right)
  • click on 'Thr/Brk combined' to configure which axis will do the acceleration and braking
  • Then on the right side of the screen under 'Available axes' select Mouse Y (up down)

You are all set, now your mouse is configured to use both axis to control the motorcycle (or car). If you are already using the mouse to drive the car and want to revert to keyboard+mouse, just click on the top 'mouse/keyboard' and you will be back to your configuration without any additional trouble. Additionally, I set the shift up and shift down of the gears to the buttons of the mouse, but you can leave it on your usual keys of the keyboard.

In the VIEW options, set the view to level the head movement of the driver relatively to the horizon, set the pitch down, so you can easily see the dashboard, increase the FoV to 105° and set the view position in such a way that if you have mirrors, you can still see them.
- Field of View - 105°
- View lock - Horizon
- Horizon lock strength - 50%
- Pitch view - 15°

That's it, this should enable you to start having some 'clean' laps around the track. Since these tracks were designed for cars, they have small imperfections on the asphalt. These otherwise unnoticeable details, when you are riding a bike you are much more exposed to loosing control of the motorcycle. Be mindful for such corners because they will throw you to the ground very easily due to a small bump, or off camber apex.
The used setup on the video is down below (credits go to Lauri for the setup) :
Attached images
Attached files
C5241E_Aston.set - 132 B - 233 views
#2 - zeeaq
I recently upgraded to S3 and found the bikes hard to handle. Thanks for putting this together, will give it a try. Thumbs up
i have been driving like this for years, once you get used to it it provides great control of your car without any controllers, just make sure youre stopped, in neutral and with handbrake pulled when you move your mouse to use the menus, you will still be giving inputs to your vehicle when you use ingame menus