MRc E-Challenge 2024 - Announcement
Hello racers!
The E-Challenge is back for it's 4th season!
Michal Malek (michal 1279) is once again the man with the grand plan, and we at NDR are happy to partner with him and Sim Broadcasts to bring you another season of the LFS version of Formula E!
The E-Challenger EVO mod will be used once again, and will still be restricted in races to 301 kW of power, but you'll be at full 350 kW in Qualifying and the Qualifying duels. This season, we are making Race 1 a Sprint race, where energy conservation is not the name of the game, we will see what you can do without having to worry about making your batteries last the length of the run. The Feature Race will remain the standard stretch the batteries to go the distance.
Also gone this year, the bumpy physics exploiting boost zone. We are using the live settable Player Handicaps that were added to the sim after last season to on-the-fly give you the Attack Boost, the same way it's been done before in Fomrula E. You will have a target zone to drive through to activate Attack Boost, which will give you 4 minutes of full 350 kW power. You'll get two of these activations in each race session. With this change, we are also removing the PowerUp Wildcard from last season.
The experimental weather system remains the same, and is unchanged. You will be given a weather forecast ahead of each round, and then wait to see if we're any better at predicting the weather than the real meterologists you listen to for your weather.
All races will be streamed live by our good friends at Sim Broadcasts