The online racing simulator
Legacy Track Westhill ?
(5 posts, started )
Legacy Track Westhill ?
Hi everyone.

As a lot of people still playing this game, i wait with a lot of expectation some new track or at least revamp of current one, who can give us a lot of new great racing experience. But as a old guys in game, and as i saw some other sim, i would like to ask why, as a nostalgic add, the Old Westhill wasn't a good track to re-add, as it IS complete, still fun, and can provide with mods and new layout block some good race.

I also think it's a good way to remind from where LFS start, as the track just change a lot

Have a nice day everyone, take care
I actually really agree with this, and I've actually thought about it as well. Since newer updated tracks are on the way, why not make a sort of "classic" variant track available? so you can switch between old and newer versions of each tracks that we will probably miss once the update comes around... Maybe I'm just too keen on nostalgia Shrug, but this idea is amazing if it gets implemented, to have both tracks versions. Which in turn means more fun for folks like me, that just like driving everything, everywhere, the more the better. That'll be paradise to be able to play legacy Blackwood or Old Westhill with the new physics and mods.
I fully agree on including the old westhill back, as it was. No updates needed on it at the moment.

The technical question arrises, how to name it and what happens with the WR's.
In my opinion i would say what should be a solution is just to do a category like they do with mods with legacy track, as the update will come one day, every track can be save in and be usable. Maybe juste add stuff on the name of the config for layout like LWH for westhill etc.. It seem easy on paper but will work. For WR's, in case of Legacy Westhill i would say its was important to not use what was alredy do because the game improve, so it's was a fresh start. If, in case of South City for exemple, the rework change some caracteristic on the track, the rework should have a new database for hotlap and legacy keep.. the legacy.

Have a nice week mate, take care
Yeah, there may be plenty of solutions, this one which you proposed is very resonable.

If we will ever see old WE comeback, the perfect moment to release it would be when new gfx/lighting/tire phys update comes out. Since, all WR's will be reset at that point. Anytime after the big update is also a good moment.

Legacy Track Westhill ?
(5 posts, started )