The online racing simulator
HDR (High Dynamic Range) once again
Althought, it has been discussed and proposed in the past as far as 2006 / 2007 threads, the HDR term itself has been reshaped a bit since than, and those discussions are not so revelevant.

In this progress report it has been mentioned HDR backbuffer might be an potential implementation in the new graphics update. However, instead of tone-mapping ourself to constrain the image to SDR monitors, why not leverage the windows APIs to do this, simultainously enabling not only SDR displays, but also handling of Wider Colour Gamut displays? It would put an further restriction of hw/sw requirment to have OS ,,Windows 10 ver. 1703" or upper, but the tone-mapping would resolve itself at least.
Further reading: ... ticles/high-dynamic-range

In case such restriction would be not applicable, or for other reasons (e.g greater manuall controll), the tone-mapping would still have to be implemented in-house, than again we can ask if displays of higher colour bit depth capabilites will be supported? Since backbuffer is already in HDR, why convert it to soly sRGB colour space?

I wanned to link here to some HDR market share of displays, but turns out my skills don't allow me to find such information. So you have to trust me by words, that the HDR tech posses more significance as years go by, so it wouldn't be unsound to look into it if the implementation and support seem to be very duable at first glance. Only revelevant article I found is this where it mentions that 97% 4K displays sold in germany between Q12023 and Q3 had an HDR support to some extend (althought, knowing how HDR standarisation is a bit flawwed, it very might be 50% of them got HDR support only to appear on paper). I've got however no idea about this site and it's trustworthyness. Let alone the issue of 4K TV not representing the PC space with it's monitors at all, given the LFS game is rather to be played in front of desktop and a wheel rather than a couch, pad & TV.

In short; will we get an Advanced Colour support or not?
Very interesting, but no, I don't think we'll ever see LFS going from 24bit color space to 30bit or 36bit. This would require a huge gfx rework, if it's even possible with the present compiler which is used. Someone pls correct me if I'm wrong.

The back buffer dynamic brightness implementation we saw in one of the progress reports some years ago is in my opinnion good enough and a very nice addition.