The online racing simulator
can't start a host - error "it's already online"
Hello, recently we're facing with this particular error on two of our 47 slot servers. I'm unable to start them due to this error.

Any help would be much appreciated, tnx.
Attached images
Fig1 - AA_mod_racing_hosting_error.png
Figured out a workaround
1) Rename the server, ex: add 2 at the end of the name.
2) Start the server then shortly after stop it manually.
3) Rename back the server to original name and start the server
It did come to my mind to do exactly that, but figured it must be more complicated than that. Didn't know that ddos attacks were ongoing.

Awesome, tnx very much man, we're back in business. It may also help others to solve their similair issues.