The online racing simulator
Version 0.7F
(36 posts, started )
Ah, now I see you said Editor

I missed that as the previous person did not say anything about the Editor.

I agree misc is missing from the 7F folder in the Editor installer and there should be a simple fix for that (a new installer, with that folder included and maybe a tiny text file to make sure the folder doesn't disappear in future). Does it work as expected if you manually add a misc folder?
Adding a misc folder worked and I have unlocked the editor now.

But still there are a lot fewer folders than in a fresh 7E editor installation. Uhmm
Attached images
Thanks for the info.

I've now corrected it, in a new installer you can download with this link. It has a different file name ending _install.exe instead of _setup.exe to avoid the CDN caching the old version.


For interest only:

The problem seems to be that NSIS stores the empty folders in some other location, not in the standard directory structure visible when you open the archive. So that's why you couldn't see them in the 7E installer, although they do appear in the fresh installation. That 7E, with editor patch applied, was also the source I used to create the 7F installer. I didn't know that before and annoyingly I forgot to test that installer, although I did test all the game ones.
That worked now, thanks for a quick fix Smile
In 0.7E4 editor patch, the cars got updated dashboards and wheels, but in 0.7F LFS, they are not there as it seems.

Somehow I remember using the updated cars in LFS, but maybe I'm wrong and they were never actually shipped in the LFS test patches. Is that intentional?

Here's a comparison between LFS 0.7F and LFS Editor 0.7F:

Attached images
The minor updates I did to dashboards and wheels were only in the editor. I didn't put them in public LFS game because hotlaps would be affected by the slight differences in wheels (old hotlaps would go OOS but for no really good reason). For example some have a slightly reduced rim width to make them more realistic for the size of tyre.

I did have, on a list, a thought about importing the dashboards into the public version. But minor game updates and editor updates could go on forever so at some point I had to just stop and do the release.
Good to see you released the latest test patch. Thank you

I previously had the problem when restarting the host with version 0.7f that the host did not appear in the host list. After stopping and starting again, it worked. Not an issue on my part, but maybe helpful for you?

Another point (more of a detail on my part):
The previous articles on new releases had a URL like:

The current article, however, has a URL in this format:

I noticed it by chance when I wanted to link the article on my team site. Smile
Hello everyone, I don't know if this is the right topic to comment on (if not, I apologize).

But I wanted to take the opportunity to ask, will there be language packs for the lfs editor later?

It would help a lot in the production of mods. Shrug
Quote from v i n z :Hello everyone, I don't know if this is the right topic to comment on (if not, I...

You asked what I wanted to ask, this is very good advice, if implemented, this can save time, and improve the editor's proficiency, affect the quality of the mods, etc
While I think it would be helpful for the editor users, it doesn't seem feasible at this point because it would take a lot of time for Scawen to extract every string of text into a translatable variable. I remember him answering this to someone else some time ago, but I can't find the original post.
Frankly, since my English is not good, I did not try to download an editor and make my own mod.
Volunteer translators can provide language support for the editor.
In this way, better quality mods may emerge. If developers are not considering this right now, they may reconsider their decision.

Version 0.7F
(36 posts, started )