The online racing simulator
Can you make AI drive in the X & Y layouts?
Just finally got S3 today and curious about that
Unfortunately, you cannot make them drive on those configs/layouts. Well, you can add them to the grid and they will be on track, but they are just standing there.
Small bump, sorry, but i have an answer. Scawen has mentioned that with the removal of the track 'path' system, AI drivers can drive in X and Y layouts, aswell as lap times on X and Y configs can be counted. Hope this helps. Again, sorry about the bump.
No, that is incorrect.

The path system is still there and unchanged for AI drivers.

What no longer uses the path system:
- echo map (now uses live render)
- ambient light map (now uses a global octree)
- hidden object removal (now uses global octrees)
Ahh okay, must be my imagination going haywire then, thanks for the clarification Petals
technically i can make the ai drive on x and y, but only by "hacking" and feeding my intput into the ai, and its just like driving normally, except i show up as ai on the map, even on multiplayer