The online racing simulator
Anyone uses Team Speak??
(39 posts, started )
If you like to, you can join our ventrilo server. We have several private rooms where you can race with your friends without getting disturbed.

Just install and click on the second link to connect. May cost you 2 min.
Quote from DEVIL 007 :I am there right now.Cool guys

Was nice to meat you mate! Hope you´ll come back. Yesterday it was not much traffic on the vent. Now it´s weekend and the crowd moves on.
#29 - Jakg
i understand how to set program x to use headphones and what not, but how do you plug in speakers AND headphones?
I'm not sure why you would want to do that? You don't want speakers on while you're using a microphone; you'll end up fighting feedback and echos.
#31 - Jakg
Quote from Dumpy :I'm not sure why you would want to do that? You don't want speakers on while you're using a microphone; you'll end up fighting feedback and echos.

i mean, speakers for LFS, headset for TS
Is your headset not stereo? I just have all my sound going into the headset's earphones with the speakers out of the loop entirely.
Quote from Jakg :i mean, speakers for LFS, headset for TS

There still would be echoes and feedback... Trust me, if you want to stay on a TS-Server for a longer period of time, you're using a headset and nothing else...
The only way is USB headset. That way you have people talking to you through the headsets speakers and you talk to them via the mic, then you can play music/games/movies through the computers speakers and not have the two mixing together. Also, i have no feedback at all from this setup. I can leave the mic on, next to my speakers for hours (As i do most times, get the music flowing) and no feedback / whailing from any sort of interferance, no matter the volume or distance from mic and speaker.
Oh that's pretty cool. The headset acts as a completely separate audio interface I guess? Didn't even know those existed ^.^
Quote from RoCkBiGdAvE :The only way is USB headset.

Well there is another way, which will let you use your existing standard-3.5mm-jack headset. A second sound card.

Which can actually be very easy to do, since an old, spare or second-hand plain simple stereo sound card can handle your voice headset quite well.
#37 - Jakg

may try that!

TS with the [MG] CnR was great last night, and hearing shaguar shout "HOW THE **** DID HE FIND ME?!?!?!?!" was great
Like Crazy Harry said,we are using Ventrilo 2.1.4,Awesome soundquality!
Most of us are using the Logitechprofiler or an little application which is called "Joy2Key" to assign our push-to-talk-button to our wheels!

With this Joy2Key tool, U are able to put "Shift+S" or whatever to Ur wheel! (Joy2Key allows to assign a combination of 3 Keyboardbuttons,to one wheelbutton!))

CU BlasteR
Yeah, Joy2Key is a great program. I used it extensively in Oblivion and LFS when I was using a gamepad. I also had a profile setup to use my gamepad for common Windows functions so I could browse webs and emails and such with the gamepad heh. Really handy utility.

Anyone uses Team Speak??
(39 posts, started )