Driver's Republic
#2 - axus
Me too
Pretty please.

EDIT: E-mail address removed.
Drivers Republic alpha test : new track + call for more testers
A new version of the Drivers Republic alpha has been released with improved netcode and additional content (a clone of the Limerock Park track).

The new version also includes an invite function which allows each of the 400 original testers to invite 5 more people to take part in the testing.

If anyone wants to participate, PM me with your name and email address (required by the invite procedure) and I'll send out an invite. [edit: sorry folks, all my invites have now been used. Maybe someone else has some to spare?]
Invites sent to deggis and axus.
Me too please


EDIT: deggis not allowed to laugh
EDIT2: Thanks, BuddhaBing, appreciated
Invite sent to Hyperactive.
I'd like one please
96vipergts [at]
gmail [dot]
#8 - J.B.

EDIT: got one!
BuddhaBing :bowdown:
Sorry guys, all my invites have been used. Maybe someone else has some to spare?
I have 5 spares. PM

EDIT: Make it 3, I have some friends too (not really)
#12 - joen
Thanks Buddha!

I just noticed I can invite people too. I want to reserve one for a friend so I have four to give out. PM me with your name and email for one of the remaining four if you want one.

Now if Logitech could hurry up with my new wheel I can try it out with 100% throttle
#13 - Vain
Looks good. I bet your invites are already taken up (unfortunately - I'd love to participate myself).
Have fun with it!
(And tell me how it is )

#14 - Vain
Could someone please spare an invitation? That'd be very kind.
Thanks a lot.
Edit: Thanks Franky!

Hmm, it seems that I can't invite anyone...? (Must be some crazy facefilter thing here again )

So, I think I need to take back my words, no invites from me
#16 - joen
Quote from Hyperactive :Hmm, it seems that I can't invite anyone...? (Must be some crazy facefilter thing here again )

So, I think I need to take back my words, no invites from me

Yup same for me, sorry
*Edit* Got mine.
I wanted to test this, but i wont have time... best luck to who will test it, i bet it will be a nice sim
If you give me an invite, I will give you a BIG COOKIE!

Gu3st(at)dustindawes(dot)com !!!
Sorry All Invites Gone
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
It would be nice if someone would invite me as well:
Lord_Omar_Khayaam_Ravenhurst [ät] hotmail [döt] com