The online racing simulator
Graphical issues: mod textures not loading properly
  • Recently car textures seem not to be loading properly. Appears to be completely random.
  • Often they load mid-game.
  • I've seen a situation where 2 instances of the same car were on the road, but one of them didn't have its textures loaded, while the other did.
  • Never happened before mod system. I haven't changed computer, graphics card, or operative system (windows). I've seen others with same issue.
  • Seems to have gotten worse gradually. At first, not often and not many cars. Now almost every time I'm playing there's a few cars in this situation.
  • Sometimes, from the inside of the car, the whole view is mono-color.
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#2 - cuni
I've not had this issue, but have you tried to clean up your mods folder?
Additionally, when looking for help try to provide as much info about your system and LFS version

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Ok, thanks. I did not know of that function. I've done that and I'll report back if this persists.
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Not solved, doesn't seem to have improved.
#5 - Racon
If I'm remembering correctly, in order to reduce the freeze that happened when a new mod left the pits, some of the texture loading was deferred from then until later. I don't know how the client decides when is a good time, but it sounds like it takes a while for you sometimes.

I've seen it once when there was a lot of different mods on track at once, but it only lasts a minute or so for me. (Scared the life out of me for that minute because it was one of my mods that I had just updated... I thought I had messed up the upload Big grin)
** Best answer **
It loads textures as soon as you stop moving for a few seconds (not sure how much tho). This however doesn't happen if you are in a pit-stop
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