The online racing simulator
#1 - cuni
LFS create backup for transport
I have two computers and wanted to transport, via cloud, LFS settings, setups, views, layouts etc, except large and unnecessary folders as well.

Therefore, I created this .bat file to do it automatically and produce one highly compressed .7z file without the unnecessary folders (you need to have 7zip installed, obviously).

1- Copy what is inside the # # to a .txt file (or download), save, rename to .bat
1.5 - If your LFS folder name is not LFS, replace the ..\LFS\ for whatever your folder name is
2- Place the .bat file in the LFS root directory (...\LFS)

7z.exe a -t7z LFS.7z ..\LFS\ -mx0 -xr!dds -xr!wld -xr!skins_x -xr!skins_y -xr!skins_dds -xr!mods -xr!cache -xr!map_info -xr!docs -xr!dll -xr!shots -xr!training -xr!cmx -xr!sound -xr!language -xr!veh -mx1

Info: the -xr! is the wildcard to not compress that folder specifically, the search is recursive
Attached files
Backup.txt - 205 B - 36 views
downloaded skins are good to backup to avoid redownloading (if you're using hi-res skins) and for replays
Here's drag&drop LFS folder onto bat feature, else uses default path.

@echo off

if not "%1" == "" set LFS_PATH=%1
echo Compressing LFS files from "%LFS_PATH%"

7z.exe a -t7z LFS.7z %LFS_PATH% -mx0 -xr!dds -xr!wld -xr!skins_x -xr!skins_y -xr!skins_dds -xr!mods -xr!cache -xr!map_info -xr!docs -xr!dll -xr!shots -xr!training -xr!cmx -xr!sound -xr!language -xr!veh -mx1
if %errorlevel%==0 (echo Task completed successfully)^
else echo Something went wrong.

echo Press any key to exit . . .