The online racing simulator
Adding PB times and speed to server ?.

in some servers i see the they show your best times in zones and PB, also some show time to 200kmph in x seconds.
how can i add something like this to my own host ?. now my host only show laptime after a full lap.

Kind Regards
never mind got the airo thing working.
You have to utilize inSim for such features. There exist many apps that can do it, but most probably you saw airio. One can still find free version of airio with those basic functions.
Quote from rane_nbg :You have to utilize inSim for such features. There exist many apps that can do...

are there better ones ?.
I can't say that, since our team is the origin of airio. Just browse the forum a bit.
thanks, will try the lfslapper some later time, airo seem working good so far.
is there also a tracker that uses php so i can host it on my server instead of pc.