2025 series - round 2
Tuesday, 11th March
18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET
Track: Fern Bay Silver Alternate (FE2X)
Race distance: 11 laps (65km)
Signups: https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/110337 (closes 30 minutes before qualifying start)
RandomCar spreadsheets (with cars list,their balancing and all results/standings): LINK
Cars list and their balancing is available also in server - type command !opt and select "RandomCar Info"
Server link: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race (access the times table via command ;tt )
Server will be passworded at least 1 hour before qualifying,server pass: random
Race Green Discord: https://discord.gg/E37R5vD
Cars will be drawn in 2 waves:
1st wave - 24 hours before start of qualifying
2nd wave - 20 minutes before start of qualifying - for late signups
Draw link and results will be posted in this thread!
Car redraw option:
Each driver receives one chance during the season to redraw the car that has been drawn. This option can be used only if car has been drawn during 1st wave of cars draw and the driver will be added to list of 2nd wave of cars draw. Please note that redrawing car means a 2.4% chance of drawing the same car also with 2nd try - in that case the driver has to use the drawn car and the redraw option will be reactivated for new use in future round. Option availability is marked in Drivers championship tab in spreadsheets right behind driver's name (✓ = available,x = not available). To use the option,write here a post with word "Redraw" before signups closure for round (17:30UTC)!