The online racing simulator
Steering Flexing
Why every car flex its steering wheel as if the pilot could not withhold the force of the tire?
Is there any workaround to have a steering wheel behaving exatcly the way that I'm feeling trouhg the ffb?
Can you explain in more detail what you mean by that?
I think what he meant is the steering in game moves differently to the wheel position input when there are large forces coming through like when hitting kerbs etc. This makes sense for inputs without force feedback. But even when the force feedback is turned on, the in game steering doesn't move one to one with the input. Feels like sort of like springy.
Interesting observation. There is maybe some tiny sponginess between game device input axis and the virtual steering wheel in lfs for large ffb signals.

If you switch to steering gauge view you can see 2 squares indicating position of steering axis, One is black and other one red. I think that red one shows device axis and the black is car virtual steering wheel axis (or maybe it's oposite, not sure). Anyway, they indeed missalign sometimes. I don't mind that. It can't be turned off unfortunately.
#5 - Pukyy
This is why I prefer to see just the virtual dash when driving with a wheel (not very often Frown ). It eliminates the problem entirely and I feel like it's more realistic than seeing 2 wheels at the same time xD

Steering Flexing
(5 posts, started )