I didn't.... LFS discovered ME.
Actually, I never had much to do with video games much (except doing beta testing and QC on a periphial for FPS games). Anyways, I was reading an article on Salon magazine(?) about indy games and people fed up with for working people like EA and Sierra and (PLACE NAME HERE). They showed little screenshots of various games being made by all these people and gave very brief descriptions about some of them. Most sucked and stopped development.
LFS was one of the games they mentioned. LOL Apparently, I don't think the devs were even aware of this article. Well to me, the screen shot looked alot like the original Gran Tourismo and I liked that game so I kept hitting little links til I came across the demo. I don't know if the "full" version was released just yet, but I know it was sorta within days or weeks of it one way or the other.
And the way it played using the mouse and the LX cars got me hooked...
that and the Community was really cool then (it's still good now, but there sure alot of A** holes popping up!)
Actually, the more I think about it, it was the community that got me hooked - cause I really hate racing games for the most part. Most are about as fun as watching paint dry to me. I like RTS games and GTA and Golf as far as video games go. Console or computer. ( I really shouldn't post after drinking... I should be playing!)
Speaking of RTS games, I was really interested in this Black & White game that Scawen worked on.....
oh well, enough of this. time to pop a top and get in a car
(kids, don't try this at home I'm an old guy past his prime, I can do this now

....oh wait......)