Radiohead - Creep
Quote from mr_x :Radiohead - Creep

ooh, love it remember them playing it live at their South Park Oxford gig in 2000 I think, they very rarely play it live
Where does this ocean go - Ilaria Graziano
Trentemoller - Polar Shift
Wanted - Holly Brook
Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie.
pure awesome
Linkin Park Crawling ( DJ SAMMYSAM Remix)


Rob zombie - two lane blacktop
Trentemoller - Polar Shift (Full Bass High Volume ... lol brill)


Trentemoller - Physical Fraction
The Monster Is Loose - Meat Loaf
Muse - Assassin
3rd Flo - Do The Heizman
Homesick - Sato Naoki


Distant Memories - Sato Naoki
Brian Adams - I Thought I'd Seen Everything
Earshot - Fall Apart
The Clash - I Fought the Law "Ashes to Ashes"
Trance Ruined - New Deal
The Strokes - You Talk Way Too Much
White Tiger No.24 - Kagami
Quote from beefyman666 :Slipknot - Duality :headbang:

very good one.

In Flames - Alias from the new album:headbang::headbang:
Rob Dougan - Chateau
Muse - Ruled by Secrecy
Death Cab for Cutie - Summer Skin
Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Uruporfironogenodescarboxilandome Y Pustulandome Con Tu Anorgasmia Exaclorobencenosisticarial Sexo Traumatizante

and yes its a song and a band lol
Quote from orange_boy_uk :Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - Uruporfironogenodescarboxilandome Y Pustulandome Con Tu Anorgasmia Exaclorobencenosisticarial Sexo Traumatizante

and yes its a song and a band lol

Thats one hell of a band name and song title! :jawdrop:

Anyway, I'm now listening to Korn - Got The Life.
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