The online racing simulator
Pink Floyd - Not Now John
Klamydia - Niilo ahkio
Squarepusher - Song: Our Underwater Torch
Alestorm - Wolves Of The Sea
The Doors - The End
Blink-182 - Dumpweed

She's a dope
she's ag****ingznightmare
I need a girl that I can train

..were all gonna get laid!

Skyence- hatred

I am the judge, I am the reign / I am the poison, I run through your veins / I am emotion, I am the eye / I'll be tomorrow until goodbye / I am the reader, I a the thought / I am the breath that has never been caught / I'm on your side, I'm what you said - my name is hatred I live in your head...
Arctic Monkeys - When the sun goes down :spluke:
Orbital - Chime

classic, genre-defining work
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei
I'm getting into music that isn't in English; I could've used another band to illustrate this, but hey... someone else has to like this, right?!
Quote from Jon606 :O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei

please, find a quiet spot out back and shoot yourself

Quote from mookie427 :please, find a quiet spot out back and shoot yourself

maNga - Kapkaç
vaguely, in that I've never heard of that before
Quote from mookie427 :please, find a quiet spot out back and shoot yourself

There are worse songs, belive me.

Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden (This is NOT one of the worse ones :P)
Quote from mookie427 :vaguely, in that I've never heard of that before

Now I've changed it to Digitalism - Pogo
/end conversation
Quote from Stefani24 :There are worse songs, belive me.

there are many worse songs, but that is right up there in the most annoyingly bad songs of all time, I thought the ginner's music taste was better than that
Quote from mookie427 :there are many worse songs, but that is right up there in the most annoyingly bad songs of all time, I thought the ginner's music taste was better than that

There are some more annoying songs....luckily nothing comes to mind now...but anyway...there are

Iron Maiden - Prowler (As you listening to their 1st album)
PC case - Noisy Fan
Haha Zeug ^^

Listening to Iron Maiden- Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
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The what music are you listening to now thread
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