The online racing simulator
Stupid Signs
(60 posts, started )
#1 - SamH
Stupid Signs
My friend spotted this today at PC World. You do the math!
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#2 - Jakg
i feel so stupid, i dont get it!
oh my god.. lol

i wonder how many people have any idea as to what all that means lol

rofl i love your new avatar!
#4 - SamH
Quote from Jakg :i feel so stupid, i dont get it!

Basically you save more (about £3 more, on a £30 game) if you ONLY buy one game.. so if you want two, you're best off buying the first and joining the back of the queue again to buy the 2nd
In the example SamH gave, if you bought 2 £30 games, with the Buy One Get One Half Price offer, you would save £15 overall, for a total spend of £45. If you bought two games seperately and saved 30% on each you would save £9 per game for a total spend of £42, and a total saving of £3 more than the BOGOHP offer. (Just had to clear that up, since Sam didn't quite get what I told him about it in TeamSpeak)
#6 - SamH
Did not! Ner Ner!
PC World are such idiots at times, yet another reason to avoid them completely
#8 - SamH
PCWorld tried to sell me an iMac, once, telling me it was a laptop with WindowsXP SP2 pre-installed.

Gotta love 'em!
#9 - Jakg
look, i did look into a job at PC World (i know, im 15, but i know about 20x more than they do!), but you start off a £7.5k, then a max of £12.5k, and supervisor only gets £15k!

i just hate how they sell everything on clock speed, its such a useless way of business
#10 - SamH
I think there are 2 reasons for selling things by clock speed.. firstly, it's an easy sell to the clueless customers. Secondly it's an easy sell for stupid sales assistants.

PC World sales methods are short-termist, which is why the PC World store near me is empty whenever I go. I had a credit note from there, and it took me about 8 months to spend it because there wasn't anything I could trade it in for, that I didn't know for a fact I could get online at a fraction of the price. They sell internet-ready PCs.. the internet is full of online stores with much better prices. PC World is shooting itself in the foot, every time it sells a PC at those prices/specs.
Just noticed your new av that a pic of faster111?

edit: zounds, 1001 posts and still nothing to say!
Hahah funny sign there SamH...
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#13 - SamH
Quote from Hankstar :Just noticed your new av that a pic of faster111?

I can't say nefink at dis piont on dat.
Quote from Hankstar :edit: zounds, 1001 posts and still nothing to say!

I can't say nefink at dis piont on dat.

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#14 - SamH
ROFL! Love those, Tweak!

Ootstanding Canadian wit ahead:
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#16 - SamH
#19 - CSU1
Quote from CSU1 :[attach]15400[/attach][attach]15399[/attach]

eh... a b3ta reader?
#21 - CSU1
They are both posted on They did a whole thingy about stupid signs. I've put my fave one below, though i reckon if i posted the ones that made me laugh the most I'll get banned :P
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#23 - CSU1
Quote from manintightpants :They are both posted on They did a whole thingy about stupid signs. I've put my fave one below, though i reckon if i posted the ones that made me laugh the most I'll get banned :P

The Welsh sentance should be the same as the English on this sign, but it translates as "bladder inflammation upset".


If you don't know what is wrong with that sign, try looking at it with your eyes closed.

Stupid Signs
(60 posts, started )