The online racing simulator
Lowgoods, there is precedent for this same effect having occurred in a previous OLFSL race, and a correction being made to the results. Your comment is noted. If you could inform us about your position at that time it would be helpful.

Solar Hydro
Pool 5

I really hate bf1.

That's pretty much all I can say about this event
Started 10th and gained positions while others were spinning. Then I lost a concentration for a millionth of a second and spun. Then some more. It would have been quite nice race, if I hadn't had a brain fart when coming from T1 to the "tight" left before hairpin. I just missed the braking and onto wall I went. This was on lap 15 so I decided to pit then. Original plans were to get some more fuel on lap 18.

Made a terrible mistake when changed all my tires. They were perfectly fine, no wear and correct temp. Then I had those ice cold pieces of wax. More spinning and finally the final spin. I just was exhausted and decided to quit.

Rollo, I'm sorry I hitted you in the early laps. We were coming to the turny - and fast - part of the track, which I have used to drive very fast. Your slowing down and braking there caught me by surprise. I saw you slowing down, but didn't realize that you were braking that much.

One awful thing about these bf1's is the lack of brake lights, or atleast with my graphics setting those can't be seen :P
Sorry hydro
No worries Hydro - your slide wan't big, but I went off the gas a little, but obviously the guy/gal behind had no time to brake.
I blamed you for the second incident, this was wrong after watching the replay, I thought I remembered you slowing right infront of me for a second time, but that was not true.
So I will only file one complaint against you and not two as originally predicted - I will also now not request that you be thrown out of the league, mearly a 50 race ban

(Only joshing Hydro matey - no probs at all, it seems to me most people had trouble including me, lots of different braking points etc, made it tough to follow someone)

So yes it was tft.driver that hit me the second time which span me around, it was a small impact, had no damage but just lost many positions, again I wish it didn't happen, but no point in blaming, maybe I should've been little faster out of corner, but I had high downforce so my accel would always be slower than someone with low downforce!

Anyway I thought it was a damn good race - hope we do BF1 again.
I think if you were lapped Lowgoods, then obviously you only have to complete 29 laps (one lap behind) so if the leader finishes the race the system is expecting you to be on track, when you're not it automatically makes you DNF.
Think this is an error in the game that rises from a deliberate code that makes all people off track (in the gravel etc) who do not finish DNF too when race is over.

Maybe post it on the Patch thread in the forum so the develops can fix it?
Pool 3 for me as well, and I was really looking forward to it! I had created myself a stable setup which I knew would only mean 1 pitstop for fuel. Tyres would last and did! My plan was to drive carefully, not make any mistakes and only overtake people who spun or crashed.

Fortunately, I started in my favorite place, last! From here you can only do better, I hate starting from anywhere else 'cos I feel like I should finish in the same place or higher and I hate it when I lose places.

Anyway, we started the lag lap. I really wish this was the real race 'cos I was up into 5th place before half way around the lap! Then we restarted

I hung right back and waited for everyone else to crash, err I mean sort themselves out! NASSA Ant crashed strangely at the start and didn't make it to the end of the first lap before spectating - bad luck mate!

A few others spun and part way around the lap (in front of the other Aston pit) I hit a spinning car and dropped all the way back to 16th. Fortunately my car was not damaged so I just carried on carefully. By the end of this lap I was 13th.

After that I was able to keep the people behind me, behind me and they never looked like catching. This all changed after my pitstop at the end of lap 17, when I came out in 7th or 8th I think, with istabraq behind by about 3 seconds. He caught me right up and was at one point within 0.43 of a second, but I was faster on the twiddly slower parts of the track and managed to stay in front all the time. Then he got tied up with lowgoods as he came up behind him and overtook him on about lap 26 or so. Then lowgoods caught me and passed me easily on the main straight. This was fine, I was still 8th overall. istabraq was then 4 seconds behind me after his fight with lowgoods. Only a few laps left though and I was able to keep him there. Then on lap 29 (I think) lowgoods crashed and I got past into 7th, which is where I finished.

From 16th to 7th in 30 laps - this was my plan, and I stuck to it. I am pleased with the race I just wish I could have done it with a less "stable" set and put some pb's in, but I knew I could not be consistant and fast with this car, so this was the only way.

I'm done now,

Quote from Solar Hydro :If you could inform us about your position at that time it would be helpful

At the moment I got the DNF I was 10th from 11. Difficult to say, if the driver at pos 11 had passed me before I would have finished the pit stop, so I propose that you simply set me to last position, which would be 11th then.

The whole race went pretty bad for me anyway. Got involved into a crash on first lap already, which made my car almost undrivable and in consequence I lost far more than a minute while creeping to the pits. Nonetheless I could gain some places to 7th pos and then made that unforced error on lap 29 :doh:
Pool 1,

Well, I can honestly say that I was indeed slower than everyone else. But, I lost another 40 seconds beacuse of a wrecked car staying on the track--I managed to swerve but ended up in the sand.

Though, LFS has got a flag-system, so I guess I brought it on my own
Pool 4.

That BF1 is not my favorite . A month ago I did some training and managed to drive low 2:07 's a few times. Then I shove the thing in the garage and forgot about it until raceweekend. Someone must have sabotaged it because in raceweekend I could hardly drive it under 2:10.

At the start there were a few drivers with a lot of lag. I didn't want to bash into them so I took it easy, but I also fell back from place 3 to 9 after the first lap. During the race I tried to keep out of trouble and that way I managed to get a 5th place. I didn't had a very inspired race but I suppose I should be thankfull for the result.
I am very sorry for my yesterday's mistakes. I had very big problems with my steering wheel and stability of connection. Moreover, I didn't know this race's server name and password until the very last moment, which forced me to start the race without a single practice lap
I am so sorry about last night lol, I was feeling well after Pool 1 so i was going to skip pool 2 to try and rest for a bit...and promptly fell asleep until 7am this morning...

Thank you to all racers in pools 1 and 5 for such an entertaining race.. it was awesome fun
Thank YOU,fireball
Has anyone got the pool 1 replay?
I do.. I asked FienDi to update the results last night because I was busy hosting, but I just found out he didn't (he promised :really.. I'll do it myself now, replays will be there too..

UPDATE: Pools 1, 2, 3 and 5, results and stats are there now. Pool 4 stats and results still missing.. Replays are there too.
Well, for my after-race report: I should have trusted my first instincts - not to race... It started when I wanted to delete my hotlap (I thought I wouldn't make it), but I couldn't even though it still was 1:58 hours to go... When my schedule freed up, I thought I'd participate anyway... Threw together a setup in about 15 minutes, then watched the stream... When I got to race (Pool 2), I noticed that I had absolutely no front grip (had too much pressure), got kicked after the "big" chicane had to limp back to pits... Went into pits too fast, got a stop&go, didn't found a right spot... Then I stood there for I don't know how long, not realizing it already said "finished"... :doh: Went out, got another stop&go when I wanted to serve my first one... Then, FINALLY I started to race... Caught up with some of the backmarkers, pitted fine... I was at 8th place hunting Psymon when in the 24th lap I suddenly ran out of fuel! I completely miscalculated how much I'd need and put in half of what I should... :doh: :doh: :doh:
Another DNF for me, thanks...
One thing I've learnt: Never race without having tested your setup and have your strategy ready BEFORE the race, not within...
Quote from Mrs FienDi :I do.. I asked FienDi to update the results last night because I was busy hosting, but I just found out he didn't (he promised :really.. I'll do it myself now, replays will be there too..

UPDATE: Pools 1, 2, 3 and 5, results and stats are there now. Pool 4 stats and results still missing.. Replays are there too.

Good work Mrs!!
Does anyone have pool 4 replay? The one I got from the host is incomplete so it's useless.. I can't get the results from it.

If someone has it, please send it to me (msn): [email protected]

Thank you!