Swearing, in general, is a show of lack in vocabulary. Sure, i might slip away some "not-allowed-for-television" rants, once in a while.
I feel, however, that from the point of saying "-Oh Sh*t, i crashed!" to actually pressing T, typing it and pushing enter.. well.. i feel it better to just have a key designated with "Ooops!" "Ouch!" or "That´ll leave a mark in the morning" is more appropriate.
And in the same way it kind of makes the situation easier to handle than your regular "S@€€$$½½ nooob-crasher!" Which just might be recognized as offensive for some people...
I´m happy to say that SDRA is a Zero-Foul-mouth-tolerance Team.
OT: People look funny at me, when i tell them my brother is a christian..
"-But you curse and rant from time to time?"
"-Yes i do.. In the proper surroundings. Like this S**tb*x Computer of mine...