Drifting with a DFP.
(39 posts, started )
#26 - IDUI
You guys do this with your DFP's?:




My wheel makes immense amounts of noise if I turn it a fraction of the speed those guys turn their wheels at. And it doesn't recover the way a real wheel does. Intersting. If your wheels are holding up then they're much tougher built then I thought.
Quote from IDUI :You guys do this with your DFP's?:




My wheel makes immense amounts of noise if I turn it a fraction of the speed those guys turn their wheels at. And it doesn't recover the way a real wheel does. Intersting. If your wheels are holding up then they're much tougher built then I thought.

Thje DFP is not fast enough.. the G25 will be much much faster!

Goo G25 900 degree movie
http://forum.rscnet.org/showpo ... 3165252&postcount=614

Goo G25 540 degree movie
http://forum.rscnet.org/showpo ... 3164328&postcount=594

My DFP Left lock to center 900 degree DFP movie..
http://forum.rscnet.org/showpo ... 3169799&postcount=644

The G25 is WAY faster.. Not as fast as real life, but a lot closer.. so much so that I think that kind of drifting will be possible with 540 to 720 degree lock assisted by FF, not FF holding you back.
#28 - SamH
Okay, that's that sorted then. The G25 is ON my Christmas list!

I drive the DFP at 180 degrees simply because the speed it self-rights just isn't fast enough for me, for any greater turning circle. I love the wheel, but I'm now convinced the G25 is the one for me.

One thing.. the rate that wheel turns, and the shape of those paddles.. I can imagine people losing their fingertips!
I wish they made it even twice as fast as that.. but Goo said that is the main reason why they couldn't.. It could literally take kids fingers off.

That is why he said even the DFP comes with that big "No kids" sticker on it.. That's not a gimmick, but needed legally because it does have the power to do damage to little kid's hands and whatnot.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
does a twelve year old count as a kid?

The DFP is not the wheeel for drifting, it slows your turn down if you go to fast, and that makes it difficult to correct very fast. The G25 will be 100x better though.

Wooohooo!!!Post 900!!!Woohoo!!!
DFP is just as good as any low rotation FF wheel because it is adjustable.

It just isn't good at anything higher than 450 or so degrees for relying on it returning to center on it's own at a reasonable speed.. lower than that if not adjusted just exactly right.
Hmmmmm... the g25 you say <G>... Oh and with the videos... no i dont do that with my DFP..... if i tried.. it would just lock itself into a slide till i crash ... bit pointless really, lol... but.... i think i am with SamH on the G25... consider it on my list
dont see what the problem is??

i use a DFP on 900 with 200% FF and its fine, i think a few people need to do a few press ups and build up there arms
It pleases me to see sanity in this threat.. err thread Logitech sofar makes unacceptable toys if you look at a pure performance perspective, and drifting with a DFP makes the wheel handicap your performanec as it is about 10 times too slow.

If you 'can' drift with a 900deg. DFP, fine, but it doesn't have much to do with the real thing. The g25 will be a step up, lets hope the step is as big as it seems..
Quote from Tokartta :Some people keep thinking that setting 900 degrees in the DFP settings means that when using a car with, say, 540 lock, you have to turn far the full 900 to achieve max lock, and thus advising against it - this is only true if wheel turn compensation is set to 0! Set it to 1 and it'll always be 1:1.

This is how my wheel is set up and whenever i say i have it on 900 they say its too much, the most it should be is 720 illepall The only difference is that there is no ffb stopping you turning the wheel more, but how often do you use full lock in a racing situation ...
It so bugs me whenever people say to change the wheel rotaion in the profiler, lol. If you turn wheel turn compensation to 1 in LFS, turn the rotation to 900 in LFS, and turn the rotation to 900 in the profiler, it's perfect for every car, LFS automatically adjusts for you, much easier than switching for every car.

<edit>I connected to my desktop over my VNC to make sure of my settings, I'm amazed that LFS was able to run over a VNC, in my experience, very few programs can</edit>
if you dont do it in profiler, you dont get the force feedback stop.
Quote from Gabkicks :if you dont do it in profiler, you dont get the force feedback stop.

which is why ive set mine to 720
you shouldnt go full lock in a race car anyways
I love my DFP, does all i need it too, but i dont use FF, its too unrealistic by any means. Although id like my DFP to rumble when i run over kerbs, but thats about it, i just hate the amount of friction there is just turning with FF or that center feed back jargon.

Drifting with a DFP.
(39 posts, started )