The online racing simulator
(31 posts, started )
I will return to LFS some day, when I have more space at home to set up my wheel. Until that day, these skins are gone!
Just added the RB4 "Purtle" skin.

Named by my girlfriend because purple is her favourite colour and she was being cute

Slightly unusual style on this one, very minimalistic. Sort of like a Japanese concept car look. Not sure it's entirely fitting for a rally car, but it's nice and I might rework it for the XRT.
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New Public Skin
Gone! It's all about the SEO
The dirt is not effective, you need to do a bit more than just a few sprays of brown and green. Try a range of browns and greys then smudge the 'droplets' (do you have motion blur option?) this will make it look less 'phoney'.
Your Martini lines need sharpening up. Keep up the good work
I use Photoshop, so can motion blur on demand

The dirt was never really meant to be realistic, and obviously it was just stuck on to give a more "rally" feel. I don't like to see clean rally cars But motion blurring each and every dirt pixel sounds like a thankless task, especially when optimising it for jpg is just gonna totally screw it around anyway! So it's not that effective when it comes to looking like dirt, but it's not too bad when you see it in motion.

Thanks for the suggestion though - I'll look into blurring if I ever try to add dirt in to another skin!
Yet another Irn Bru themed skin, this time for the MRT. Not a lot to say really, there's not that much to skin on this car 5 minutes work, new skin. Badabing.
Pepsi Skin
Simple but effective Pepsi skin for the XFG, as requested by padde. Uses the same 3 part theme with a slight variation on positioning across the body.
My take on the good old Dukes of Hazzard General Lee. Added black fenders and air intake to make it more interesting, and used the stars theme on the spoiler. Just having it all orange looked really boring.
Great skins
Glad you like them TiJay

Okay, now I'm onto the FO8, and as if you couldn't guess, it's another Irn Bru skin! I just love messing with that colour scheme so much. I swear I'll stop soon
And while I'm at it, here's the XRT version of the RB4 "Purtle" skin. I figured it looks like a Japanese concept car, so that's what I went with.
This one's the FXO, and I'm not ashamed to admit that it's an Irn Bru sponsored one. Although this one was made with good reason - I was thinking of using it when I entered the STCC, but sadly I missed the first race. And even if I had shown up, I don't think I'd have stood a chance.

But I'd have looked good

But that's the last of the Irn Bru skins, I swear!
I decided to make the XRT General Lee skin public! So here you go folks, enjoy

If you want to upload it, you'll have to find a new name, because XRT_GeneralLee.jpg is already gone.
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Been a while since I last posted, so here's a couple that I did recently.

One is my new FZR skin which I use any time I join a GTR server, and the other is an old racing green RAC which may never get out of the garage, but I like it

The idea of selling skins had actually never occurred to me before, but since the thread appeared yesterday it's something that has some appeal for me, especially now that I'm getting better at the whole process.

Of course the question is: would anyone pay for skins at all anyway? And if so, would they pay me? And what price? 50p? £1? I have no idea.
#17 - CSU1
Quote from Dajmin :Hmmm...

The idea of selling skins had actually never occurred to me before, but since the thread appeared yesterday it's something that has some appeal for me, especially now that I'm getting better at the whole process.

Of course the question is: would anyone pay for skins at all anyway? And if so, would they pay me? And what price? 50p? £1? I have no idea.

Then what happens hey?
MrX opens his skinsX folder....oh! look I just saved 50p
im just pointing out that you have no way of protecting your product if you where to copyright it!

Like your work, nice
Well that's one downside

But I think the idea is that they're paying for a custom skin. So it might have their name or number on it, or it might just be a design that they wanted. I guess it's like anything in that respect - if you like it and you want it, you've paid for it, irrelevant of the fact that you could've stolen someone else's if you wanted
Inspired by the fantastic comedy at Weebl & Bob's site!

If you haven't checked it out already, you should. Very British comedy, but had me rolling on the floor in places
I almost forgot - I've been using this one for a little while now too. In the spirit of playing with the underdog GTR classes
Great skins...are you willing to make a birthday present for my brother for free???
Right, it's been a couple of months since I posted in here, but I have a few new ones to show. Most of them are fairly simple though, so don't be expecting anything amazing. And yes, I like messing with the Viper GTS colour scheme

I didn't even notice racer hero's post. Oops.]
ahh I didnt myself im fine now.
And here's another public XRT skin, as request by Ausdrifter for the Kamikaze drift team.
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hello, any chance you could please make me the irn bru fxr skin but with a saltire on the roof. im in no rush i know your very busy with other stuff.


(31 posts, started )