The online racing simulator
Pit Box Skins.
(60 posts, started )
#26 - Jakg
how about putting a cone out in front of a pit box where a driver will stop, and remember, you are supposed to stay on the outside, then pull into your box, not cruise over everyone else's like people do in LFS
Another reason we all need our own pit box. I know this has happened to almost everyone at least once. You stop in the random box (as it is now) just as someone joins from spectate and rips out of the garage right into you. Though, whoever is joining midrace really should be watching for folks on pitroad before exiting the garage.

As most rules in LFS racing states (at least CRC rules), you should pit in the furthest box closest to pit exit. Certain tracks, Aston for example, these are the garages that new connections join at. Thus, I started pitting in the back boxes, which if someone follows you and is planning to pit in the front box, they can do as I stated earlier and accidently wreck into you.

So, whatever garage you join the server in, that should be your pitbox. If it were to be a skinnable banner style auto downloaded with the skins, then everyone would need to make sure it is skinned with their online nick, so everyone else would know it is yours if you are on pitroad with others. Not with some pretty design that wouldn't tell who's is who's.
Quote from Hog700 :One slight snag - mrodgers highlights the risk of hitting someone as you don't know where they will stop. If you only see your pit banner when you pit it doesn't stop you hitting someone as you won't be aware of which pit stall is theirs if they are in the pit lane too.......

How about showing the pit stalls for anyone in the pit lane while you are there?

Other than that - deffo +1

The reason you upload the pit banner onto LFSW is so that others download the pit skin so they can see your pit, too.

Quote from Jakg :pit crew are something for S3 i think, but the idea of a pit-box would be good, but then i say that if you drive in your pit-garage and turn off your engine, then it would enter your pit screen, and take down the garage doors to hide your car (as it may change!)

Yes, I Was thinking the same thing about the pitcrew. That's where this banner idea came from; easier to implement I'd think, so possibility of having it sooner, rather than later like with a pitcrew depending on the way it is done.
I'm almost 100% sure that this has come up earlier, though I couldn't find it. Anyway, +1
+tenty BILLION

This idea is tops.
Should'nt really be THAT hard to implement in the near future and i hope it does!
Another +1 from me.

A great suggestion, although that might finally kill off the last few dial-up users there are
wow, nice idea !!! +1
I think that only your name should show up on the pit ad banner. It would look more uniform, less cluttered, and easier to identify! Less hard drive space too.

EDIT: How about an client-side option to disable downloading of pit board skins, like we have with car skins? That would be great!
Quote from wheel4hummer :EDIT: How about an client-side option to disable downloading of pit board skins, like we have with car skins? That would be great!

Yeah I think they should be treated just as the skins are. That shouldnt be too hard I'd say. I'd realllly love to see this one day

gentle bump :-P
Would go well along with the "personalized the pit crew skins"
Me says +10000000000000
You should have put a poll on this thread cause thats a brilliant idea...
It would really spice up the pit more...
RBB - Really bad bump

I'd also like to have the interior of the pit boxes skinnable as well.

Custom suits would be great as well - maybe when pit crews become visible they should be wearing LFSw downloadable suits ...
Quote from duke_toaster :I'd also like to have the interior of the pit boxes skinnable as well.

While skinnable pit boxes would be cool to see, it seems like an awful lot of coding and bandwidth for something you'll rarely see anyway. I'd much prefer to just retexture the default pit box so I'm not constantly downloading "pit_x" files. Besides, in real life you're very limited on what you can do in the pits anyway. It's not like you can repaint the box or anything. Having a skinnable "banner" hanging over the pit box would be great though.

Quote :Custom suits would be great as well - maybe when pit crews become visible they should be wearing LFSw downloadable suits ...

I was thinking the same thing when I saw this thread. But, rather than having four different driving suits to choose from or having skinnable suits it would be cool if you could just pick a primary and secondary color for your suit and the game would color it (similar to the way you pick two colors for your car). You could choose two colors for your suit (maybe even use the car colors for simplicity?) and your pit crew could use the same colors. That way you get a lot of variation of the pit crews and drivers without using umpteen different textures.
Quote from mrodgers :I hate mandatory pit on public short races (the 10 lappers). All it does is break up the racing. If I'm haveing a good battle with someone, I will try to pit at the same time as them so not to break up the racing and end up just boring hotlapping for the remainder of the race. A big problem for me in these mandatory 1 pit races is I'll come in behind the car I'm racing with and not know where they are going to stop. So, there is a chance of hitting them if they stop in an early pitbox unexpectedly or whatever. This is a great idea (been suggested before) and a great solution to that suggestion.

+1 for me!

You should just stop yourself in an early pitbox. That's a very simple solution. If everybody has a "named pitbox" then you still won't know where they will pit and will still have the same problem.

OT: Has anybody been ever taken out by a driver who just finnished his pitstop and you were passing him on the pitlane. I think I'm the only one.

Quote from duke_toaster :RBB - Really bad bump

I'd also like to have the interior of the pit boxes skinnable as well.

Custom suits would be great as well - maybe when pit crews become visible they should be wearing LFSw downloadable suits ...


Quote from Cue-Ball :While skinnable pit boxes would be cool to see, it seems like an awful lot of coding and bandwidth for something you'll rarely see anyway. I'd much prefer to just retexture the default pit box so I'm not constantly downloading "pit_x" files.

Yeah, but think of the immersion factor - that right there adds a whole heap.
So if you're following a player called Dajmin and you see a pit box with the name Dajmin written beside it you couldn't figure out where he was going to stop? illepall

Is this the month for necro-ing old threads or something?
Quote from PLAYLIFE :Yeah, but think of the immersion factor - that right there adds a whole heap.

I don't really think so. Like I said, you're not allowed to do much to a pit box at a real track. You can't repaint or hang a bunch of stuff. Only temporary stuff can be done so most pit boxes look pretty much the same other than a few banners with the team name and the number of parts bins and toolboxes. Besides, how often do you really have the chance to look in the other pit stalls?

I'm all for skinnable cars and a banner outside of the pit stall, but I don't want to have to download a car skin, helmet skin, driver skin, pit stall skin, etc. every single time someone joins. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing helmet skins go away and be replaced by color coded generic helmets similar to the driver suits that I described earlier. You'd get more variation in helmet designs compared to what we have now but would use no bandwidth and would require no photoshopping by the player.
With 19 other cars you would in worst case need to download 19 * (2 * 400kb) = 15.2 Mb :if the pitbox skin was 400kb in size. If it was 200kb, the total size would still be around 11Mb.

Another choise would be to have 20 Scavier design pitbox skins with similar color options as with cars. No downloading needed and you could still edit them, though others would not see them. And with some small user editable texts you could still have personal look

There is still some empty space on the car skins which could be used as in-car nameplates etc.
Quote from Hyperactive :With 19 other cars you would in worst case need to download 19 * (2 * 400kb) = 15.2 Mb :if the pitbox skin was 400kb in size. If it was 200kb, the total size would still be around 11Mb.

That's a lot of stuff to download for something that I'm never going to see. Seriously, when is the last time you looked at the inside of the pit stalls other than when you were pulling out of your own?
Thats why I suggested a little banner or something over the pit stall (that IS what I suggested isn't it? This thread is so dang old I can't remember LOL).

I'd like to see skinnable driver skins, too, but not uploaded to LFSW; thats just something you won't see while racing. BUT, I am a skinner, so the more I can skin the better. I'd like to see a random default driver skin assigned to the AI and other online players. That way it breaks up the monotony of all having the same suit in the replays, adds a little realism, and at the same time, allows you to still skin your own suit.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I think that only your name should show up on the pit ad banner. It would look more uniform, less cluttered, and easier to identify! Less hard drive space too.

I was thinking the same. Number or name, but not a rainbow-look-a-like line of boobs, pentagrams, smiley-faces or crazy frogs
Quote from MAGGOT :That way it breaks up the monotony of all having the same suit in the replays, adds a little realism, and at the same time, allows you to still skin your own suit.

Hence, why I suggested being able to pick color schemes. My idea would have 3-5 driver suit "layouts", each of which can be colored with any two colors. For instance, you might have one suit with a primary color top and secondary color bottom, one suit that's all primary color but with secondary colored stripes down the sleeves and pant legs, one suit that's primary color with secondary color sleeves and belt line, etc. Five of these options combined with the nearly infinite color choices would give a TON of different looks but wouldn't require any downloading, wouldn't require any drive space, and wouldn't require any skinning by the user (some of us can't skin worth a damn or don't have the time/desire to). Each skin could still have an overlay with badges, sponsors, etc that would stay on the client machine similar to the way driver skins work now (you can see changes but everyone else isn't forced to download them).

Pit Box Skins.
(60 posts, started )