My momo wheel is broken
(32 posts, started )
Quote from Fir3spell :WOW :O
Tell me about that, maybe that's what i need
What's that? and what's the function of it in the wheel?
Where can i buy that?
My problem is in the gas and brake pedals, i press the gas to the max and my car won't go to the max speed because of something and with that i just can't compete in LFS because i can't get the MAX performance of my car. Maybe it's just the rubbers or something in the pedals that are broken.

Thanks in advance guys and please give me an awnser

Look here, before buying a new steeringwheel :

How to fix the "broken" pedals. Mine is suffering from the same problems, not so much yet - But !?
Quote from Fir3spell :
My problem is in the gas and brake pedals, i press the gas to the max and my car won't go to the max speed because of something and with that i just can't compete in LFS because i can't get the MAX performance of my car. Maybe it's just the rubbers or something in the pedals that are broken.

Quick fix: start LFS go to options >> controllers >>Axis/FF click Recalibrate then turn wheel thru lock to lock , then push brake and gas pedals ONLY 90% down . then click calibration lock yes. you will have to do this everytime you start LFS but it will work.

More permanant fix: open pedals and put some bluetac where the pots sit into the plastic so as to make a much tighter fit (less movement).

Can I just check you are talking about the Black Momo Racing wheel?

hope this helps and saves you some money.

I would kiss you if you let me lol xD
Really, i've searched for a solution to my momo racing wheel and never had an awnser and now i got it finally =).
Thanks a lot =D

See you ontrack sometime you can let me win lol

a Good samaritan Sparky again on the move
good to see it possibly happen once again ....
I though my Red momo was completely "kaput" as it didn't
move (steering) at all. Luckily Sparkydave was kind enough
to help me to fix it instead of throwing it away.
Loose motor screw, and interesting/valuable inside tour of momo's guts
that's all it was, and still after 5 years of heavy use & still works really fine.
I used to have pedal calibration probs , but maybe after some wingman patch or something minor software fidling they disappeared through the patches. Anyway always remember to check first before losing your hope lol
Sparky Dave,you should work to MOMO Wheels
Quote from dave4002000 :i haven't heard canadaman say anything bad about the G25...if i remember correctly, he said he likes it. But don't quote me on that

i'll definately buy the wheel just to check it out. I mean seriously, dual-motor force feedback, h-shifter, gas/brake/clutch pedal..all for $300USD. Even if it is plastic(which all the current logitech wheels are anyway), it's still cheap considering what you get. If you went out and bought all that separately, you'd be looking at close to $1000USD. And if you went with the whole ECCI would be even more than that AND you wouldn't have force feedback. I've never had a problem with anything Logitech...i use a keyboard, wireless laser mouse, and DFP from them. They're quality has always been excellent for me.

And i'm sure they will be sold in electronics stores, so if you buy it and don't like it..just return it and tell them it doesn't work with your computer(lol...most people working at those stores have no clue anyway, so that line always works)

Or buy it and pay for it with cash...then when you get home, put your DFP or Momo wheel in the G25 box and return it lol

Yes U are right this guy was canadaman! After 2 weeks of testing this wheel he told Crazy Harry and me that this wheel is nothing special and that the shifter feels strange cause it is made of Plastic. One week ago another guy told me that he tested the G25 on the GC in Leipzig/Germany with GTR2.The result: Nothing special,feels like a Momo, I won't buy it!!And I'm sure Logitech has changed nothing after these 80% Bug problem with the Momo-Pedals!

So we will see if this wheel is good or only cheapest shit!

Greetings BlasteR
(mandalman) DELETED by mandalman : bad link

My momo wheel is broken
(32 posts, started )