BUG i don't see texts and subtitles in the game [SOLVED - DRIVERS]
I don't see texts and subtitles in the LSF:/ i see only artefacts instead text. I have ATI Radeon card. Who know how to fix this problem ?
#2 - CSU1
LSF artifacts what do you mean?
#3 - joen
could you post a screenshot of what you see?
#4 - CSU1
I see dead people....:sppalpati
#5 - Jakg
i rememeber seeing something like this before, install the latest drivers and re-install LFS
Please make sure you have the latest drivers for your GFX card installed.

(I'm guessing he's getting the mipmap-corrupted font)

E: Goddamnit Jakg, you need to post less.
I atached screenshot
Attached images
Yes, I expected that. Please try what both Jakg and I suggested.
Thanks for all! now my LFS is working