Like the others said: buy it!
I've been playing the demo every once in a while over a period of time. I liked it, but I was involved in some other games, so I stayed a demo driver.
Last week I got 2 RL friends interested and we started playing together online, using Ventrillo to talk to each other. We had fun for a few days on the demo servers and I was considering buying a license after my holiday (starting tomorrow

Then we were racing and some guy got mad at me. No idea why. My friends were driving behind me, so they could see what happened and talk to me on Ventrillo. That guy hit me from behind in the first corner because he was braking way too late. I managed to get my car back on track and wasnt too much damaged so I continued racing, loosing 5 or 6 positions. Guy pitted, and next lap he was waiting for me on the first corner. I thought it was considerate that he'd let me pass, coz I was a lap ahead. Then he rammed me at the end of the long straight, started shouting "OMFG you *ss, n00b" and initiated a ban vote. Some (a lot) of the sheep pressed 1, but I was lucky to have my 2 friends so that were 2 votes he wasnt getting. I got as close as 1 vote of being banned...
Then he started spamming by clicking my name over and over again. Others then started banning him. When he almost was banned, he quit. Good riddance.. New player connects, waiting on the end of the pit lane for me to pass... Again I got rammed at the end of the straight... New player starts spamming my name.. So it was evident it was the same guy. Ban vote, he left just before he got banned. New player connects.. same all over again. Almost banned and... quit. And again a new player..
So the 3 of us decided to go to another server. No 5 minutes later that *ss found us and started all over again.
I bought my license the next day, as did one of my friends. Not that I'm that good a racer. Maybe I wont even play it after I get back from my holiday... But I already had 2 days of nice and clean racing... It would have cost me more if I had spend those 2 nights in the pub

so it was money well spent.
Conspiracy theory: LFS has some people roaming the demo servers harrassing the better players so they will buy a license 
. You should be flattered :P