Your dream team?!?!
(80 posts, started )
Your dream team?!?!
If any of you could be in any team they like, what team would it be?
Could be some one like ITEK, or vMaxSR, or T7R, or 1ST Racing, or even MG , or anything i have not said (as it would take till christmas to cover them all )?

I like ITEK alot, there fun guys but MG Forever
#2 - Jakg
[MG] ftw!

Oh wait, too late!
[MG] Rules! hehehe
erm so, hello
:bump: Officially BUMPED :bump:
Hey you should edit your first post and put OSR in there.

We are in MOE together.

Hey, that's a thought.
I'd like to be in MGOSR.

That would be a cool team.

But serious now, I like TSR alot
#6 - Jakg
Quote from nutty boy :Hey you should edit your first post and put OSR in there.

We are in MOE together.

Hey, that's a thought.
I'd like to be in MGOSR.

That would be a cool team.

But serious now, I like TSR alot

its T7R, but still

MGOSR eh...

Attached images
Oh you got that skin did you. Rules doesn't it?

Also isn't T7R, triple 7 racing.

TSR is Team Syncro Racing.

Whole different team.
#8 - Jakg
Quote from nutty boy :Oh you got that skin did you. Rules doesn't it?

Also isn't T7R, triple 7 racing.

TSR is Team Syncro Racing.

Whole different team.

ooops, i just remember tsr! damn my memory!

And yes i have that skin, although i think that the idea of having the two skins with a zip down the middle woulda been quite good to!
Yeah that would be cool.

Also I change TSR to MG.
You guys just rule. It's a great team.
#10 - Jakg
Quote from nutty boy :You guys just rule. It's a great team.

we have our moments of greatness

(and our moments off great stupidity - although i hear thats just me!)
Yes the zip skin idea was mine (thank you, thank you ) just no one bothers hehehe
MG are good, most of the time its just jack thats the odd one hehehe
I think ITEK are cool guys good to race
I've realised something funny. The only people who have posted in this topic are me, Jack and James and we all have Steve Irwin avatars aswell.
Have another steve irwin avatar lol
ITEK are cool guys but VMax and T7R also.
Hmm, I think n1Racing would be my dream team
Quote from hrtburnout :Hmm, I think n1Racing would be my dream team

Strange that

vMax would be mine, although T7R aren't too bad.
I would give anything to be on that awsome American team that holds numerous world records...damn...what's their name again....oh yea...Eagle

Sorry, just a shameless
EAGLE got WRs?

I like FM and EAGLES most.
#18 - th84
Quote from dave4002000 :I would give anything to be on that awsome American team that holds numerous world records...damn...what's their name again....oh yea...Eagle

Did I miss something?illepall

I would be the first American cabbie!!
ZT of course

wouldnt leave even for money
id be a freebird again. ahhh, the freedom. use any skins you want. enter leagues under "privateer". ahhh.
Obviously OSR, but MG Oxygen Power is just for MOE unless we get another endo-fest.

I wouldn't mind being in Noobs.

The videos they upload on their website look like they have lots of fun. In fact I haven't checked lately

*Goes to check Noobs website for new vids*

EDIT: Ah there ain't none.

I call upon any Noobs members. Make new videos by popular demand by one person.

EDIT AGAIN:I was gonna be fair and not say my own team in this thread but everyone else has so. I'd love to be in OSR.
I have found a flaw in this, everyone that posts here thats in a team are going to say they love there team even if they hate it to save their skin hahaha

I think MGOSR is good, but before any more leagues combo lets see how MofE goes
My girlfriend saw this game and learnt that there is teams in it and she asked if there were dutch ones (as she is Dutch ) so i said yes, she said JOIN THEM illepallhehehe
Just tell her MG is
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#25 - Jakg
Quote from thisnameistaken :Sorry MG but I've only really met Jakg online, I'm sure you're a nice enough bunch though

im not quite sure how to take that, are you saying that from me you think that the rest of the team is nice, or are you saying you think their a nice team in SPITE of me?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

Your dream team?!?!
(80 posts, started )