please anyone has any interesting and realistic?
it may be useful here .. thx
Suggestions on which car would be coolest to have V8 sounding engine?
I cant think of anything besides XRT
Too bad theres no car with Big American muscle in mind.
Is it possible to get a mute-button or the possibility to mute it by a free choosable shortkey?
hi guyz !!

i have the problem, the sound pack doesn't work
i installed it extactly by intructions from 1st page here, but nothing happens.
i start CSR 1st, press user mode (i pressd these gray sound button several times- no change), start lfs.
only hear the standard lfs sound - nothing changes.


soft: LFS S2 z28 on vista 64 ultimate, last DirectX 10.xx
hard: E8400, 4GB dominator, ati 4870, creative X-fi titan. fat. . .

i note some mysterious thing while installing:
i wasn't allowed to change the "cfg- text file", so i cut it off, put onto desktop, changed it and pushed it back 2 lfs folder.

edit: and with pressing the grey button for specific engine sounds on and off, i hear a sound (think its the engine sound) for a split of second.

PLS HELP, i must have these orgasm bringing sounds

so long, nille
common guys!!

no one can or want help ?? that i can't believe. . .pls let me know better

Just interested, is it possible to make these in .eng?
Quote from Hahmo :Bump!
Just interested, is it possible to make these in .eng?


anyway Nille, This program was made for older versions of the OutGauge system (before Z25 if I remember). If you want it to run on Z28 you need a script that converts the output from LFS Z28's OutGauge to the older Outgauge.
Quote from deggis :Car Sound Remixer - Installation Guide


CSR is a sound modification/utility made by yamakawa that adds sampled engine, shift, transmission, turbo, brake squeal, backfire and indicator sounds to LFS. It is an alternative if you dislike the default sounds. Approach is purely based on sound samples like in most other games, completely different to the internal synthesized sound engine in LFS. With correct sound volume settings result can be a nice blend of both, the synthesized sound and CSR sounds. Of course you can also mute the default sounds.

voisitko suomentaa ton mulle ?? mun sahkopostii [email protected] plss en o kovin hyvä tos englannnis

Some preview videos:

Does it work with the LFS demo version?


Post Z patches?

Yes but FBM is not supported and there might be some problems (indicator sounds).


#1. You need to download:
Additional files (optional):
  • FZR sound pack (based on Lamborghini V12 from GTR2) made by me: #post250026
  • small update on FXR sound by DaveWS: 2#post296352
#2. Install CSR by extracting the .zip file to Live For Speed\CSR folder. Keep this kind of folder structure:

  • Go to Live For Speed\CSR\User Files and rename BF1 and FZR folders to something else - otherwise they will be overwritten by different sounds from the DaveWS's sound pack. (You can try both and decide which ones you like more.)
  • Install Full Sound Pack to Live For Speed\CSR folder (choose yes when prompted about replacing "User Files" folder)
Additional files:
  • Extract FZR sound pack to Live For Speed\CSR\User Files folder (incase you did not rename the original folder, choose yes to replace)
  • Place the FXR.dat to Live For Speed\CSR\User Files\FXR folder.
#4. Locate cfg.txt in LFS main folder and replace the last lines with these and then save it:
OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 35555
OutGauge ID 0
#5. When you start CSR.exe, you will need to activate "User Mode" before launching LFS:

"Edit" button goes to the editor (you don't need go there now). On the grey area you can choose what sounds you want to hear - these are car specific settings just like the volume slider. The main idea is to kind of "blend" LFS and CSR sound sources together by changing volume levels (in CSR and in LFS). It's really a personal preference. Also notice that the different car sound packs sound different and have different volume levels.

#6. Finally, you can create a .bat file (shortcut) for starting CSR and LFS at the same time (instead of clicking their respective shortcuts everytime separately):
  • Create a file called start.bat and place it in the LFS main folder.
  • Open the file in Notepad, copy & paste these lines and save it:
    @echo off
    cd CSR
    start/AboveNormal CSR.exe
    cd ..
    start LFS.exe

  • Create a shortcut to this .bat file...
  • Important: When you first time launch this .bat, check that the "User Mode" in CSR is enabled.
  • Delete the 'pause' command if you don't like that.
#7. Done!

Common problems

Indicator sound not working

Sound lags

Change CSR.exe priority to "AboveNormal" in the Windows task manager or just make the .bat file.

Everything else works except car X - CSR sounds just doesn't play at all with this car

I don't know what's the problem. I had this once (with XFR). Reinstalling solved the problem (only CSR, no need to reinstall sound packs).

Runtime error

You need to install Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Run-time files.

Error related to .OCX file(s)

Place MSCOMCTL.OCX file in Windows\system32 folder.

I get "Run time error 53" and "File not found: VbDSnd2"

How can I use CSR with other OutGauge mods?

You can try OutGaugeGateway. More info: #post241138 and #post241707.

I want to make my own sound pack

Use the editor. Also you can easily change sounds from car x to car y, some help: #post280376.


moi haluuks suomentaa ton mulle mun sahkopostii [email protected] en o hirvee hyvä tos englannis plss
Quote from Zipppy :This program was made for older versions of the OutGauge system (before Z25 if I remember). If you want it to run on Z28 you need a script that converts the output from LFS Z28's OutGauge to the older Outgauge.

Where could one find such a script?
graz for that mod mate , i like it so much but the problem that there is no backfire sound on XRT , can u help me plz ?
My virus-protection-system says it is a virus! :mad:
Quote from xCruisEx :My virus-protection-system says it is a virus! :mad:

Are you talking about OG_Realy? Because I can assure you it's not
I'm using F-Secure 2011,and it says it is a virus!
Then your antivirus is a bit paranoid don't trusting any python code, because this does not have anything that could be dangerous for the computer security.
It's a script in plain text, you can read for yourself what it does and does not do.
Ok thanks for your help.
does some know a good tutorial link or something ? i tryed to search from google but still nothing
Its not working on patch Z .. And I find it too hard :P
Quote from Demon Illidan :Its not working on patch Z .. And I find it too hard :P

The only time I used CSR was on Z

I think that to make it work with Z28 you just need to execute og_relay along side CSR, or mabe it was updated, don't know
Isn't there some pack and go feature?
Just 1 update .rar with anything in it that you need?
CSR help
Hello all,

I want to ask you how can i make my own sound by CSR?
Something like this pic:

I want my own sound for demo user for XRG.
I have noticed a bug with this Sound Mixer. When I start trainig or any other race with FBM the program gives me NO DATA and the sound mod is not working. When I start the game and go in a race with any other car and then switch to FBM everything works fine.
well afaik CSR was made when the FBM was not yet released, guess it won't start with FBM selected as first car, but when you start with another and switch to the FBM it just keeps that previous soundset. But I don't know, havent used CSR in years

(827 posts, started )