Wow. Razor_00 has gone from using mouse and keys to a G25 :0

That's like the difference between listening to a Spice Girls song on a small transistor radio compared to being backstage at a Who concert with a lapfull of squealing groupies.
G25 + S2 Licence + LX6 will be awesome mate - why not treat yourself to a shiney licence
If you can afford a G25 you can certainly afford an S2 license. Go buy - now!
Gunn, no worries mate. I asked because I did own an ACT Labs setup until recently, and was happy with it, then decided to part with it as I don't really have the time for sim racing these days. Then figured meh sod it and ordered a G25.
Day 4 of waiting: I am going insane waiting for this. I've already planned on making a shifter box about waist high (seated) to mount the shifter on. I think that I want this wheel too much.

I want to know if the LX6 is more fun with the G25? Any takers?
Hehe, I moved my desk a bit so I can mount the shifter in the proper position a while ago.

Not specifically the G25, but I can tell you for a 100% fact, ALL the road cars are more fun with a H shifter & clutch. Espically the LX's, because you have to be a bit careful espically changing down gear under hard braking, let that clutch go too suddenly and thou shall be punished.

Theres a saying on my retro Startrek post I think is applicable to you - "Wanting is not such a pleasing thing as having"
Ok, I've crossed the line into ultimate geekyness then, because I'm at school, instead of working, I'm posting on the LFS Forums about how much I'd kill for my G25 right now.
I think this thread is suffering something like the "pre-patch syndrome" XD
Quote from Eldanor :I think this thread is suffering something like the "pre-patch syndrome" XD

This is worse than the pre-patch syndrome, at least when a new patch comes out we all get it on the same day.

This is a staggered release so some people have the goods and others have pictures
Quote from Eldanor :I think this thread is suffering something like the "pre-patch syndrome" XD

damn you aussies
Is this really the only thread I'm subscribed too where people actually still post?

I'm off to bed
that wheel looks good !!
Quote from BigDave2967 :As I recall, Sam called me a git! *think that was for having a faster time, and he wanted my setup, not really sure*

Nahh, I did that because.. yer a git!!

So you DON'T have a G25? Damn! I've been finding comfort in the belief that the only reason you can drive so much faster than me is because you had better hardware!
Quote from Rtsbasic :

:eclipsee_ Nice video, much better than the one from with the funny mocca shoes.

I wonder would it be practically possible that the shift paddles cuts off (not literally) your fingers while playing because the automatic centering looks so damn fast?
Wouldn't have thought so, one reason they probably will not make the rotation faster than that is so it can't cause any harm.
Quote from Tweaker :Here is the other video review of the G25 (best one so far imo)

Danowat, you might want to add it to your first post

looks sweet . thx Tweak.

Edit : Is it a woman who is reviewing the wheel ?
woohooo...I'm going from a keyboard only to G25...I wonder if my times will drop since I can actually apply partial brake, throttle, and hold steering instead of tapping the buttons.
they'll also drop just from the game being alot more immersive.
Logitech G25 now available through
For those of you who live in the US and have been waiting for this wheel, it's now available and in-stock. I've already ordered mine and a friend has ordered his as well.

Just an FYI.
Dell also has them in stock. I will have mine Monday.

Quote from adamkob32 :Dell also has them in stock. I will have mine Monday.


yea, one of my teammates ordered his from Dell yesterday...and he recieved it if you want it as soon as possible...i would say order it from Dell.