a french website has them instock and delivered to customer on rsc forum, theyre going to be here shortly but the question now though is which retailers are going to recieve them? not every retailer will get them I'd say, just pray that theyre on ther way to gameplay uk
Quote from TagForce :Just as a general public address... I don't know what the releasedates for your respective countries have been, but from the start Logitech has been saying "October" from the start here... Ok, so they said beginning of October, but pretty soon that was changed to the week of October 23rd. So far, that week isn't over, and we've seen the dates change on various websites from available in more than 2 weeks, to available from 1 to 10 days this week. This means Logitech (from a dutch point of view) has been pretty consistent. It seems they will be shipped to outlets this week.

It's not about what Logitech said or didn't say... It's about the fact that Australia received AND shipped out G25 with european parts, whereas one month later no european customer has received his shipment... Weird? Yes, very much indeed...
Quote from Hyperactive :Oh come one, how long have you been waiting? A month? Two months? Even if someone get his/her wheel before you it doesn't mean that the is something horribly unrightful going on. I ordered some books a month ago and it says that they will be here probably in mid-november. If they are here before christmas I'm ok with it. No one has said that they will be here 100% sure on the x.x.xxxx day.


My new hobby turned out to cost a bit more than I expected plus my interest to LFS dropping again -> no G25 for a while. I'm thinking about buying some cheap MSFF wheel, since I have fond memories with that wheel.
Quote from bbman :It's not about what Logitech said or didn't say... It's about the fact that Australia received AND shipped out G25 with european parts, whereas one month later no european customer has received his shipment... Weird? Yes, very much indeed...

True, that...
But we get messed with so often I just don't pay attention to it anymore...
By doing it this way, they can make a pretty good estimate on how many units they will need to create. Also, any problems arising from the use of the system by us simmers can be fixed for the european batch, which might save them expensive re-calls for millions of units. Remember that this is a limited edition steering wheel... They'll make no more after they're finished manufacturing this batch, and a 33% overhead for replacements/addition sales/parts.

From a business point of view I can kind of understand it. Shucks to be European. At least we can still buy DVDs from the US, though.
Quote from Matrixi :My new hobby turned out to cost a bit more than I expected plus my interest to LFS dropping again -> no G25 for a while. I'm thinking about buying some cheap MSFF wheel, since I have fond memories with that wheel.

OT: I have been thinking (about 2 or 3 years at least) about buying something like those too. Mine would probably be something RWD, a truck of course (and probably cheaper too :shy. I'm just afraid that my interest drops after few weeks and it will be just wasted money...

Btw. It seems you don't even have snow in Pori yet, if those pics are anything recent
Those pics were taken today (well yesterday actually). And nope, no snow here yet. I just got the engine properly broken in, now the fun really starts!

I can highly recommend getting one, even though RC's are very expensive in Finland. My truck has cost me about 650 euros so far. I've wanted to buy a decent RC ever since I was 10 years old or so.. and now I finally did. No regrets either.

Quote from TagForce :True, that...
But we get messed with so often I just don't pay attention to it anymore...
By doing it this way, they can make a pretty good estimate on how many units they will need to create. Also, any problems arising from the use of the system by us simmers can be fixed for the european batch, which might save them expensive re-calls for millions of units. Remember that this is a limited edition steering wheel... They'll make no more after they're finished manufacturing this batch, and a 33% overhead for replacements/addition sales/parts.

From a business point of view I can kind of understand it. Shucks to be European. At least we can still buy DVDs from the US, though.

First, if those wheels really are already in Europe, they have no resources to do that and second, even if they had, they would need way more time to accomplish that... As for the limited edition: I think I saw this Logitech-guy posting that the G25 will be produced in very large numbers or it might not be limited after all...
logitech uk website saying g25 is immediately available
Yeah some german shops claim they have them in stock.
A dutch site called 4Launch is sending people e-mails who bought the G25 there. The mail says:

Andere bedrijven kunnen dit artikel niet aan het leveren zijn omdat de levering
van de G25 is uitgesteld bij Logitech zelf. Dit komt omdat er voor dit artikel
een enorme wachtrij is opgebouwd, veel groter dan Logitech zelf had verwacht. Om
deze reden hebben zij de levering in Nederland uitgesteld.
De eerst verwachte leverdatum is (rond) 4 November. Echter omdat de wachtrijen
zo groot zijn is het nog niet zeker of wij dan voldoende stuurtjes krijgen om
iedereen uit te leveren. Daarna zal rond 13 November ook aan andere leveranciers
(waar de meerderheid van alle webshops bij aangesloten is) nog een levering
plaats vinden. Hopelijk hebben wij dan genoeg stuurtjes gehad om iedereen uit te

Thats Dutch. In English it means that Logitech was the one who delayed the G25 , because they didnt expect so much pre orders.
The first livery will be in probally somewhere around 4 November. The second livery will be in 13 November.

Any news if this is true?
Quote from Paul_McCluskey :logitech uk website saying g25 is immediately available

Just checked my pre order with them, but status has not changed!!
Its probably too early for them yet so i'll try later.

My wife has just spoken to LOGITECH UK and are now saying they are being shipped from Amsterdam today via UPS.

Apparently we'll get a tracking number when it leaves a UK depot, which will be over the weekend/next week.

Sounds promising!!
Do you know if that was specifically orders taken direct with Logitech or the whole batch is being shipped today?

Everythings sounds rather promising for them being out in the next week or two now. I have heard from Gameseek that they heard yesterday they're on track for having them in this coming week and that part of the reason for the delay is "Logitech have hardly made any". Hmm..
I've just had an email notification from Logitech saying my G25 has been shipped! :banana:

I've got a UPS tracking number too, but it's not in their system yet. I ordered directly from Logitech UK on 16th October, if that helps anyone else compare...
Quote from obobo :I've just had an email notification from Logitech saying my G25 has been shipped! :banana:

I've got a UPS tracking number too, but it's not in their system yet. I ordered directly from Logitech UK on 16th October, if that helps anyone else compare...

YUP SAME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gameplay are saying another 7 days:arge:

A while ago someone posted a link to a logitech survey, where you got a discount code. Does any one still have this (I can no longer find it) as gameplay are very certain on their late release date?
Hmm maybe I should have ordered straight from Logitech Will give Gameseek another week before I think about changing my order.
I'll be boaking if mine isnt in my hands by next friday, by the time i'd get my money refunded from gameplay uk and cheque to clear, they'd be sold out everywhere that did get them, fingers crossed gameplay will have one for me.
Quote from Breadstick3000 :Gameplay are saying another 7 days:arge:

A while ago someone posted a link to a logitech survey, where you got a discount code. Does any one still have this (I can no longer find it) as gameplay are very certain on their late release date?

goto order a g25 from logitech ie hit buy now, then shut down the window, you will then get the survey were you get the discount code.
i think its discount20 (try it anyway) 20% off
Quote from Rtsbasic :Do you know if that was specifically orders taken direct with Logitech or the whole batch is being shipped today?

Everythings sounds rather promising for them being out in the next week or two now. I have heard from Gameseek that they heard yesterday they're on track for having them in this coming week and that part of the reason for the delay is "Logitech have hardly made any". Hmm..

Judging from the other post, I'd say they made too few of them.
At least to be able to ship them all at once.

On a side note...
Not everyone seems to be happy with the delay...
Last night someone parked a car inside a MyCom Computer Shop...

I'm happy to wait for Game Seek... I got impatient and bought myself an Xbox 360 and PES6 to keep me happy in the mean time haha
I just spoke to gameplay uk and they were surprised to hear others are now selling the wheel, they said they were to get them at sametime as other retailers, seems like logitech are picking who gets supplies. wonder if theres backhanders going down
Attached images
Just got an update email from UPS, showing an expected delivery date of 31-October-2006 (Tuesday). That's the date showing on most shopping sites now I guess - depends if Logitech ship to them early so they can also be sent out to arrive on the same day.
Is the cat included with the wheel