I've been racing on non-league type servers a lot lately and I've noticed something seems to cause the majority of accidents. People not giving any racing room.
To explain what I mean here is an example. Think about the start of Blackwood GP. You've got the tight right T1 followed by the slight S-bend leading onto the straight which you should be taking flat in most circumstances. I say MOST CIRCUMSTANCES because this is what I'm referring to.
If you are driving through that part of the track in space then you take it flat and there really is only one line through there i.e. only space for one car. If you are between two other cars but there is a bit of space you can still take it flat but be prepared to lift if the guy in front gets it wrong.
However, if it's lap 1 and you are mid pack you must take a different approach through there. If there is someone alongside you going into the S then you must give each other room. That way you both get through safely side by side (which is totally cool anyway) and are able to fight it out down the straight.
But what I've noticed is this. Most people, if they are alongside another car through there, refuse to lift and turn in on the car anyway, ignoring their presence completely. This causes both drivers to spin off and usually causes mayhem behind. I'm suspicious that a lot of people never use look left and right buttons.
The exact same situation often happens at the esses after the long straight. I often get alongside people (and I mean right alongside) on the inside after the first right after the straight so I actually have the racing line. It doesn't seem to stop people turning in on me anyway as if I wasn't there.
If these people just turned in normally but allowed a cars width of space between them and the apex, everyone’s racing experiences would be better and their race results would be much improved because they would have far less accidents
Comments please.
To explain what I mean here is an example. Think about the start of Blackwood GP. You've got the tight right T1 followed by the slight S-bend leading onto the straight which you should be taking flat in most circumstances. I say MOST CIRCUMSTANCES because this is what I'm referring to.
If you are driving through that part of the track in space then you take it flat and there really is only one line through there i.e. only space for one car. If you are between two other cars but there is a bit of space you can still take it flat but be prepared to lift if the guy in front gets it wrong.
However, if it's lap 1 and you are mid pack you must take a different approach through there. If there is someone alongside you going into the S then you must give each other room. That way you both get through safely side by side (which is totally cool anyway) and are able to fight it out down the straight.
But what I've noticed is this. Most people, if they are alongside another car through there, refuse to lift and turn in on the car anyway, ignoring their presence completely. This causes both drivers to spin off and usually causes mayhem behind. I'm suspicious that a lot of people never use look left and right buttons.
The exact same situation often happens at the esses after the long straight. I often get alongside people (and I mean right alongside) on the inside after the first right after the straight so I actually have the racing line. It doesn't seem to stop people turning in on me anyway as if I wasn't there.
If these people just turned in normally but allowed a cars width of space between them and the apex, everyone’s racing experiences would be better and their race results would be much improved because they would have far less accidents
Comments please.