How it works:
A caster will send the replay data to relay server ( This server sends the data to the watcher clients. Normally you don't have to forward any ports, because it's a outgoing connection.
................................................... /--- WATCHER
.................................................. / --- WATCHER
................................................. / --- WATCHER
CASTER --->>> relay server --- --- WATCHER
................................................. \ --- WATCHER
.................................................. \ --- WATCHER
..................................................... \--- WATCHER
I would like to run a test this evening to see how many can use LFSTV.
I'm going to cast the CD1 around 3:45 UTC. Please try to watch it for a time. Would be cool to get 20 or more watcher's.
Yesterday night and after your server changes we got again a massdisconnect on CD1
Can you maybe try to switch off the lapper, maybe this think is making trouble cause during the disconnect I got strange messages. Just some days for a test.
We have tried moving the servers to a new box, with and without lapper (No difference)
We have tried U U28 U30 with and without lapper (No difference)
We have moved the servers to another building and IP address and up until you put this message on we thought it was better.
As you are aware i have tried everything including contacting the Devs.
I am 100% convinced that it is not the server, not the building or the IP address as we have tried 3 different with each. We have also tried with and without Lapper.
So it is either the LFS Code, which the Devs say no, LFSW master server, which the Devs say no, or Users connections.
I have watched LFS for hours and i am convinced that there are some very poor connections out there. Latency/Lag bars
They display the amount of latency between you, other players and the server.
Technical: The blue and green bars (which move quickly) represent the number of "game packets" that have been already sent by each player but have not been "used". The "game" only eats game packets when it has them for all players, this is how the game model stays in sync. Going from left to right it starts with the host, then guest1, guest2 etc (as seen in the N list of connections). The green one is your own. When one player lags, you will see his reserve packets are at zero, and everyone else's go up and up at that point, while the game is not able to process game packets. The grey bars are the average of the other players bars, as seen by the other players, and transmitted to your pc for info. Note : car positions come in "pos packets" not game packets - pos packets are not "in-sync" and are processed immediately. How to read the coloured bars:
all jumping up and down nicely, all have good connections.
one player keeps getting stuck at the bottom (others rise) then recovering - intermittent lag from that player to host.
all keep getting stuck at the bottom and only your green one going up - intermittent lag between you and the host (you aren't getting the other players' game packets).
extreme of (2) that player will time out.
extreme of (3) you will time out.
all bars going half way up the screen way above the red zone – bug!
You will often see the bars rise but as there is 23 connections live on CD1 and 2 most of the time its difficult to notice the one the is low. If you take a bit of time you will se one bar stop moving (Lag) and the rest go mad upwards. To me LFS should time out laggy one to release the others but it seems to do this a bit to late so we get a mass-disconnect. All because one person is lagging.
There are several drivers who, everytime they connect the server starts to play up These Drivers get MP Replay stack errors and the latency bars go mad when they are connected.
You are one of the people who seem to cause this problem. I am not saying that this is a fault at all, its simply a fact and everyone of them that i speak to says its not them (including you). It impossible to convince someone with a 16mb ADSL that they are lagging.
But the fact is we only get mass-disconnets when one of those certain people are on the server.
You can always tell they are there as they connect again and again and again and when they finally get on the bars go mad.
At ConeDodgers we attract GTR drivers from all over the world and many of the problems seem to come from eastern europe. Players from New Zealand, Austrailia and the USA do not seem to cause the problems.
Also the ConeDodgers servers seem to get visitors who connect, do a few laps and disconnect only to come back a few minutes later. We also get drivers who come onto the server, see a race is at lap 2 so they disconnect and then come back a few minutes later to join the next race.
We even have some drivers who stay connected for hours so they can race when they want to.
Without doubt the most problems we get are when a new connection is made or being made. I think it must be all the talking to the master server and the downloading of skins being done.
One other point of note is that our servers are without doubt the fullest and have the highest turnover of drivers on LFS. 23/23 is normal and as soon as one person goes another joins. Even i often have to wait and i pay for the servers.
To be fair i have done everything i can, as has Franky500 from 500Servers. I asked the question in the forum but no one answered, I asked the Devs and they say it cant be LFS.
If anyone can help i would be very interested in anything constructive but please dont say it doent happen on other servers as most of these servers without problems have never been at 23/23 for several days without a break and lets face facts they never will be.
We did find one thing. Auto-updates from Microsoft with an auto-restart certainly gives you a mass disconnect.
Wow, thats kinda an answer. Thanks for and and btw thx for all the work.
I didn't know what was all done to solve the problem and I nerver was blaming you, just was thinking what could it be.
I for myself have different disconnects. Sometimes my internet box is loosing the IP address, there I know it's coming from me so no problem.
Then I can see all the cars arround me having lag and my bar is skyrocking, so there is a problem by me and my internet connection is shity.
And then the thirt kind is when I get a disconnect without any presigns. I see the cars around me and all of the sudden I'm out. I have no idea what the heck this is.
When I read all of this, I blame the LFS code and I have a reason for it. In September I did install the U20 patch on my computer and all of the sudden I got nothing but disconnects and barely I was able to go through one race. After a while it hit me that it might be the patch.m so I deinstalled it. Et voilà, it worked muuuuuuch better. I posted this in the patch forum two or three timesm but I think they don't care about it. I will try the U30 how it works now. Some others did have the same problem and I told them to deinstall the patch, after they said it worked better.
So what I try to say is that there is maybe a hidden error in the code which is causing connection problems. Depending on the cirumctances it will cause for some more problems as for others. And because of code changes it appears more as before.
Let's see how the race tonight goes without connecting and disconnecting of people all the time
See ya later
I'm off the league
1. It's too early for me. I did not know that UTC does not switch to winter time, so it's not possible for me to be on time for the D3
I was looking forward to race it but what can you do
PS: at the second race tonight it was my internet box. I have been loosing every 5min my IP address what the hell ever
it worked early but all of the sudden this and now it works again..........
will soon change provider cause I move (away from crappy france and freebox ) hopefully it will be better back in Germany
Edit: Please ut me on the waitinglist, I hope that I can race in February or March
I restart the servers every chance i get, normally every 2 days or so and a restart does not seem to make any difference. The big problems is that when i first get up someone is on the server. If its only 1 or 2 they understand but at 7:00am there were 14.
Firstly UTC time is used as it the only world clock that does not change, its the same everywhere in the world in summer and winter. I say it time and time again just go by the clock on the website as it always shows the correct UTC time
As the league is now running i cannot remove you so all i ask is try to make it. Please dont give up as you get points for turning up and for telling me in advance you cannot make it.
As i said earlier you connection is one that causes problems. I had someone else with a similar problem and they reported it to their ISP who sorted it. Try it, they may cure the problem and if its a computer problem. insure it and arrange a freak flood.
We dont need Marshalls on race because we are better disciplinate on our land...any cheater or shortcuter on french leagues rofl:bullwhip:
visit us : FRH-Competitions
Is it possible to switch cars between race days? I raced yesterday in the FXR but I'd like to check how slow I can be in the FZR/XRR. Checked rules but found nothing regarding this.
EDIT: Obviously, using the same number and with correct plates, etc.