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sattelite reciever
(4 posts, started )
sattelite reciever
i got 2 sattelite recievers, and they have a coax plug(for the sattelite dish) and a in and out port for normal tv...
can i hook anything up besides a sat dish to watch other programs? like making my own kinda dish or so?
just a question

#2 - Bean0
You can improvise a dish, I have known someone use a metal dustbin lid before.

You will still need the LNB though, this is the piece of equipment that is mounted on the dish that collects the signal and passes it to the box.
i have a friend who made a "dish" but for like normal tv. he taak a cabel and cutted 1 end off and then had 2 channels.. but there isnt any other way than buying a "lnb" thingy?
#4 - Bean0
The dish collects the signal and focuses it on the LNB, the LNB then passes the signal down the wire to the decoder.

Without the LNB you won't have any success.

sattelite reciever
(4 posts, started )