R4R team members are hoping for some friendly competition amongst the LFS community. We think that one of your teams might like to challenge us to race them on a given combo on a date of their choice. We believe some good racing could be had in this type of event.
We would also be interested in hearing from teams who have scores to settle amonst themselves and are looking for a neutral ground to battle it out on.
Feel free to post here: http://www.r4r.org.uk/forum/vi ... um_id=13&thread_id=60 and we can negotiate arrangements.
From recent threads in this section I get the impression there are some teams out there wanting to prove themselves.
Here's the gauntlet!!
We would also be interested in hearing from teams who have scores to settle amonst themselves and are looking for a neutral ground to battle it out on.
Feel free to post here: http://www.r4r.org.uk/forum/vi ... um_id=13&thread_id=60 and we can negotiate arrangements.

From recent threads in this section I get the impression there are some teams out there wanting to prove themselves.

Here's the gauntlet!!