The online racing simulator
Team BlitZ
(358 posts, started )
That is fantastic, Stewy-boy XRT next please When you've got time

Can I have the FXO, XRT and maybe FOX?

I would do it, but due to the difference in graphic software, to make my number fit, it gets squashed
Quote from The General Lee :Erm...Stu..

Can I have the FXO, XRT and maybe FOX?

I would do it, but due to the difference in graphic software, to make my number fit, it gets squashed

What do you mean squashed?
And FOX O.o That'll be Interesting :P
Me again
I just noticed the colour for the numbers are reversed
Attached images
Triple Posting O.o
How's the site comin'?
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FOX_[BlitZ]-psd.rar - 881.6 KB - 161 views
Website is taking a little longer than expected.

I was busy tonight, I have plans for tomorrow, then work tomorrow night, and work again Sunday (Day of rest my arse) so, Monday more than likely
whys this?
Sorry mate, did I upset you by joining back up?
See ya around nooble dooble doo...
You guys should have definitely taken all this to your own forum. All this, I'll quit and re-join in a few weeks, can I re-join, I quit but maybe I'll re-join......not a good look!
Quote from LFSn00b :We can still have nice banger action!

I'll have to remember to put a spike on the front of my car
Quote from garph :You guys should have definitely taken all this to your own forum. All this, I'll quit and re-join in a few weeks, can I re-join, I quit but maybe I'll re-join......not a good look!

This the TEAMS part of the forum, yes? So does that mean we can talk about TEAM things in here? Yeah, I thought so...illepall
Yes - but its MUCH better to have a proffesional forum with a team only section, as through the haphazard nature of the team, with people leaving and joining at will, it strikes me as rather a... rubbish team im afraid...

And this is a forum for teams, but how many use this as their team forum? Its used as a "New Team" or "Team Recruiting" forum!
And who rattled YOUR cage? Yes, at the mo' the team is largely disfunctional and unorganised, but when you consider that there has been NO tests for pace and to qualify for the team all you need is S2, it's obviously going to need some work. Spam somewhere else, little boy...
Quote from Blaeza :And who rattled YOUR cage?

no-one, im just giving my opinion, and how i think having a public team forum is a bad idea illepall
THAT'S IT!!!!! (Ryu jumps out of avatar) Shinkuu-HA-DO-KEN!!!!!! (JakG explodes in a ball of green(!) blood) Grrrrrrrrrr...
Easy now Blaeza.
This team hasn't been around for long, so it will take some time for an official site and forum to be up and running.
Erm... I dont understand?

EDIT - Let me say this opinion is just from what i've seen from the Forum, i've yet to race with you properly (well, the last [Blitz] i saw was in my rear view mirror )
That was me, who has only owned a DFP for about a month and a half and has been playing LFS,ooooo, about a YEAR less than you!!!!!!
Quote from Blaeza :This the TEAMS part of the forum, yes? So does that mean we can talk about TEAM things in here? Yeah, I thought so...illepall

You seem to have missed my point. You can talk about your team all you want, but to do it all in public doesn't give everyone a good view of your team.

Jakg got it right, it makes you look bad. All teams have little arguments now and then but 99% of the time it's in private.

Plus, as it's all in public I can tell you this. And it doesn't take long to set up a free temporary forum.
looks like girls fighting
Don't make me fetch Ryu...

200th post! WOOHOO!
Quote from Blaeza :That was me, who has only owned a DFP for about a month and a half and has been playing LFS,ooooo, about a YEAR less than you!!!!!!

Calm down! it was a joke! Im in the STCC, thus in the FXO im ok, and as AS1 is the next combo im gonna be quick there - thus the 56.99.

Plus ive done over double the amount of Miles you have...

Team BlitZ
(358 posts, started )