The online racing simulator
Does anyone have cameras for BL1? I'm having some trouble making them myself =]
i've a little problem with the TV Director.

How can i save the edited cameres?
If i saved them, they are deleted at the next time.

Answer (if possible) in german, because it's easier for me to understand.
Are you editing them via the gui or in-game? Or both?
Both. First I put them on the right places (in-game), then I perfect the positions of start- and end node (via gui).
Watched the eTM germany race this week. Were they using a new beta version with incar cams?
Quote from Feuerdrache :Hello,
i've a little problem with the TV Director.

How can i save the edited cameres?
If i saved them, they are deleted at the next time.

Answer (if possible) in german, because it's easier for me to understand.

There is a small bug in the version 0.2 of TV Director. I found this bug 2 or 3 weeks ago. Because I have devided the application into 2 parts, the TV director does not recognize changed camera paramters, if they were changed only in the GUI. So the changes are used but not written to the disk. And the next time they are lost.
Small workaround: after changing the cameras, go to LFS and add there a camera and then delete this camera, this will trigger saving the cam to the disk, when leaving the edit mode.
It will be fixed in the next release (and this is not too far away )

German translation:
Es ist noch ein kleiner Bug in der Version 0.2 des TV Director, den ich vor 2 bis 3 Wochen entdeckt hatte. Aufgrund der Trennung des Programms in 2 Programmbestandteile bekommt der TV Director nicht mit, wenn Kameras ausschliesslich in der GUI verändert wurden. Nach dem Verlassen des Editiermodus werden die Kameras zwar benutzt, aber nicht auf der Festplatte gespeichert. Damit sind die Änderungen beim nächsten Mal verloren.
Abhilfe: Nach den Änderungen in das LFS-Fenster gehen und dort eine Kamera hinzufügen und danach wieder entfernen. Dann bekommt der TV Director auch mit, dass die Datei geändert wurde und schreibt sie auf die Platte.
Beim nächsten Release wird der Bug natürlich behoben sein.

kind regards
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Watched the eTM germany race this week. Were they using a new beta version with incar cams?

Yes, incar cams is what I am working on currently And as you can see in these eTM broadcasts, this feature works already quite well
Ah, well. Thanks for the answer Soeren.
I just tried the app for the first time but i get error message 'bind failed'? when i type in the insim= part
Quote from anttt69 :I just tried the app for the first time but i get error message 'bind failed'? when i type in the insim= part

Go to the multiplayer settings (Menu: "Multiplayer->Start new game") and clear the IP address field.

Good luck and regards
I downloaded this ages ago and got confused with it - but today I fired it up again and WOW, what an amazing piece of software!!! This is going to change the way I make my videos forever and I thank you for it. It really is brilliant.
one question:
Is there any way to avoid these black spaces? When I'm using TVDirector, sometimes it happenes that during the race, and I'm watching the race, the track doesn't appear in total, parts of it are just black.
HAve that too. And not even always on same track or spots. weird.
Quote from TFalke55 :one question:
Is there any way to avoid these black spaces? When I'm using TVDirector, sometimes it happenes that during the race, and I'm watching the race, the track doesn't appear in total, parts of it are just black.

I thought it might be to do with the camera triggers overlapping - or not overlapping. But I'm not really sure.
it's a problem with the Shift+U function, not TV Director. if you go to edit a camera, move the camera a little with the right click button, you'll notice that the black areas go away.
Quote from TFalke55 :one question:
Is there any way to avoid these black spaces? When I'm using TVDirector, sometimes it happenes that during the race, and I'm watching the race, the track doesn't appear in total, parts of it are just black.

Unfortunately there is nothing that I could do. I assume it is some kind of fps optimization in LFS. From a given position it is not necessary to draw a texture that is not visible from this position. This works well for the LFS TV cams, because all camera positions are known by LFS and so all visible parts/textures of the track from this camera are known. But in Shift-U mode this is not applicable. It seems that LFS uses this optimisation nonetheless, if Shift-U is controlled by an insim application (this is only a guess).

As stated one post above by burnsy1882 there is a workaround to trigger LFS to draw all textures. Switch into edit mode, move the camera a little and then just leave the edit mode. Then you can enjoy the rest of the race without the texture issues.

However, this workaround will be useless with the next release of the TV director, when the onboard cameras are introduced (incar, front, rear cams). Because everytime when the TV director switches to an onboard cam and then back to Shift-U, then the texture issue will arise again.

All I can recommend is to design your cam file carefully. Do not put the cameras too high and try to prevent the cameras looking over far distances. Test the cam files carefully, sometimes the issues do not appear during a short test. Restart LFS and test again. I hope these hints will help you a bit.

Now you may understand why I have not yet added cam files for all tracks

kind regards
Has this issue been mentioned in the LFS bug/fix/improvements?
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Has this issue been mentioned in the LFS bug/fix/improvements?

I don't know. At least not by me.
Made extended cams using the TV D. editor and tried to keep the cameras in lengthy viewable positions so there wouldn't be a lot of camera changing. Some tracks, such as FE, only use 4 cameras.
BL2 (rally)
SO3R (short mid-course)
SO6 (chicane)

Attached files - 1.6 KB - 550 views
Good trool.......Thanks

Expect version 3 be better and better,.

a advice: player's name all are white. and we need a TV LOGO on the top right??
Hi there i've got a problem with running LFS Director(like most of others insim apps). I'm doing everything what is told in howto but simply nothing happens. TVDir is running in the background(with insim 32300), i'm going into LFS, typing /insim=32300 and no welcoming message appears. On the track, when watching replay. Nothing .
Quote from Byku :Hi there i've got a problem with running LFS Director(like most of others insim apps). I'm doing everything what is told in howto but simply nothing happens. TVDir is running in the background(with insim 32300), i'm going into LFS, typing /insim=32300 and no welcoming message appears. On the track, when watching replay. Nothing .

Disconnect and reconnect the GUI. Then go into edit mode and go out of edit mode in the GUI, and it should work. That's what I do.
Quote from Byku :Hi there i've got a problem with running LFS Director(like most of others insim apps). I'm doing everything what is told in howto but simply nothing happens. TVDir is running in the background(with insim 32300), i'm going into LFS, typing /insim=32300 and no welcoming message appears. On the track, when watching replay. Nothing .

Does LFS report an error message when you type /insim=32300 into the chat of LFS?

LFS TV Director, Release 0.3
(647 posts, started )