Quote from Bob Smith :I thought childberth was mens way of getting their own back on the years of nagging to come.

Nah, it's a place where you can moor the kids. Around here it's usually the grandparents' home.
(whitey6272) DELETED by whitey6272
Quote from BigDave2967 :
Besides, even though its a simulation, it does help your driving in reallife.

I have a better pov in my real car, so I can judge corners better
#53 - JJ72
It's geeky if you play with your socks on.
Quote from Stew2000 :Doubtful.
I have a better pov in my real car, so I can judge corners better

I think it does. You could learn to heel-toe playing LFS for a start off.
Quote from Gentlefoot :I think it does. You could learn to heel-toe playing LFS for a start off.

I don't think any game i've played has matched my driving in real life
#56 - Smax
It depends on how "into" your LFS [or any other game] you are.

If you play casually for short periods of time then no it's a hobby like any other.

If you're in a team,play often and for long periods of time. Read the forums more than any other page on the net, spend ages practising to improve by 0.00000001% then you obviously take your "hobby" seriously. The age old perception is that therefore you're a "geek" which is usually an insult levelled by somebody who couldn't even spell it and thinks that watching sports in the pub whilst having eleventy pints and a punch up is the epitome of entertainment.

I'm don't really fit into either category, thus I mention the game in passing to friends or people I'm introduced to in the same vein that I might talk about console gaming such as the Gran Tursimos. I don't consider gaming geeky as much as having an all consuming passion for P.Cs as an entertainment medium "geeky". Somehow console gaming seems more socially acceptable [perhaps due to extended multiplayer beer and FIFA sessions with mates on the playstation]

At the end of the day, if you enjoy playing LFS why should you give a *&^% what other people think? Maybe they like watching paint dry or collecting stamps or trainspotting or something.
Quote from danowat :

I certainly would'nt tell a girl I was "wooing" (you cad, does anyone this side of 1940 still use that word? )


Saved me making a pos...:doh:
Well all I say is...

I am a racing driver, and I drive for a racing team called Triple 7 Racing....then change subject or I say I race online in a professional racing league. With those kind of lines, you surely get ohh and arr's instead of WFT's

The day it really amazed my family was on here on my 30th Birthday, where you all pipped up and shout HBirthday to me

I said to wife, see they are not all geeks and kids :ices_rofl
I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit LFS uses up some of my free-time, when I could be doing something else in RL. But then, the rest of the time I play WoW so there we go..
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
well ive been getting close do a girl and i was talking to her on msn, but instead of saying i was going to play lfs, i just said my dad wanted the computer so i had to go.
Well i find people just dont understand the reason i race in lfs,illepall its because i love lfs its the best sim i have ever played And at the end of the day they dont no a spade from a spade so i will just carry on with my fun and let the muppets be. mmmm
I guess by the common definition of the word, it is geeky. But who cares? LFS inherantly must be taken seriously and most people that would be interested in LFS would take it seriously simply because it is what it is.

I remember explaining to my step brother about LFS over the phone, and one just can't do it justice. So he probably thought I was halfway berserk (yes he knows me well). When he dropped into town and visited, he tried it... And was immediately as taken as most LFSers because he loves cars. "WOW... This IS really good..."

My wife doesn't mind it at all, she's tried it a few times at least. I warned her that I would be getting a G25 months before it came out, so when it was available on NCIX I ordered it...
"BY the way I ordered that wheel" ...
"You spent HOW much??!!!!"
"Remember I told you in April I would be doing that!"
"....Oh... I guess you did grumble grumble"


Edit: I think one of the problems is being able to actually explain LFS properly to ... outsiders. No matter what you say folks just don't seem to beleive it's as realistic as you say or understand how involved and challenging it can be
I would never let any 1 come between me and my driving force pro, but if i had a g25 i would kill a man who tryed to get between us. Very sad a! And my wife would no longer come first if i had a wife that is! GOD I LOVE LFS
Really, I have more of a problem admitting to people around here (Istanbul) that I 'work at home'.

Turkey's a pretty conservative country. Everyone works, there's no welfare system so you just gotta work. Of course there's an enormous housewife culture, but when I have to explain to someone that it's me doing all the cooking and cleaning at my place (not my gf, who has a high paying job) I sometimes wonder what's going on in their minds... (and yes, I do draw the line at ironing!)

edit: now I'm wondering what's going on in your minds! lol

Re LFS, it depends on who you're talking to. My girlfriend knows I'm really into it, before LFS it was some other thing (always PC related). She's always known me as someone who's into computers (geeky). In some ways she's accepting, in other ways she's frustrated and in other ways still she's just completely disinterested. Computers are mostly an undiscovered world for her (preferring instead a good book). Also the fact that LFS is car racing and therefore 'male', doesn't help. She was really surprised when she noticed that girls were also on LFS. Also I could detect a hint of Scorpio jealousy/paranoia there! hehe.

I'm not really afraid of the geek label, but I start to worry sometimes that my gf percieves me as not being as productive as I could or should be. She is naturally very work oriented, while I'm almost the epitome of hedonism. There's that tension there in our relationship and I'm sure playing computer games doesn't help any. Although things will be reversed when we go back to Melbourne in a few weeks, as I'll be the one working and she'll have all the time at home.
I suppose it is kind of geeky but more and more people are getting used to PC,s and gaming is I think becoming more popular. I remember when my parents came round I had LFS running in spectator mode and my mother said "whats that BTCC?" when I explained it was a game she couldnt believe it "it looks so real" she said

My wife sometimes sees LFS as my "mistress" sometimes but I constantly remind her she has her "womens TV" soaps and the like and I have my LFS.

I only play when my kids are in bed and when the wife is busy, I do hate it when I am happily racing away and she comes in and starts talking to me ( I wear a monophone headset) and gets cross when I ignore her

I do tell people about my online racing and some do get "that look" but many are interested and I usually burn them a CDR with some LFS movies on along with a copy of the demo, some have bought S2 on the strenth of this makes me feel like I am helping spread the word

Well, at school it isn't too weird I play online games, my best mate has a history of that too, only with a much suckier game. Now I started playing LFS at school, the two other guys of my class are getting more interested, especially one. I wonder if he's trying it at home now.

My gf isn't too happy about it, she just now asked me what I was doing, and there is a big silence after I said "lfs forum". She thinks I'm nuts for wanting a G25 and willing to spend the money on it too. She gets mad at me for playing lfs while she is on msn, but when her soap comes on... She has to go! Typical it seems...
Quote :She thinks I'm nuts for wanting a G25 and willing to spend the money on it too.

My girlfriend doesn't know anything about that... but she soon will!
#68 - DeKo
nah i dont find it geeky really, most of my mates sit and watch me play or have a shot themselves, if it was WoW or something then it would be geeky, but because its a 'macho' racing game with lots of fast cars its allright.
My girlfriend is a member of the LFS Forum.....
Geeky? Who cares, are you getting laid? Then it's all good.

If you give up sex to race, then we'll talk.
Quote from Electrik Kar :My girlfriend doesn't know anything about that... but she soon will!

if she gets bitchy you can just stop washing her clothes and not talk to her at all for about a week
haha, I'm always scared to tell girls too

But just some time ago I was like on msn

Chick: So, what Ya do , play games and shit ?
Me: Well, yes sometimes I do play
Chick: ah cool, I like to play too, Specially I like Racing games
Me: So You should really come to my place some time
Chick: Sure

hahah, hope the force feedback makes Her horny

her name is Ruti, She liked the idea of RudiTurbo and RutiTurbo
Quote from 96 GTS :My girlfriend is a member of the LFS Forum.....

I have a hunch I know who
to be honest i am pretty prowd of being able to race online. allthough i live now together with my girlfriend, and when ever she sees me racing she gets a crisis and tells me i should do something with my "real" friends (when i moved together with my girlfriend my "real" friends stayed where they live of course 50km away)

so i got into an agreement with my gf that i race every monday evening in lfs and not the other evenings (now i host my onw league and don*t get to race that much on monday too...)

allthough i sometimes race during the day because i am working in my home office)

okay, what i wanted to say is: yep it can be a problem for some outsiders if you tell them: hey i am doing lfs online and stuff. but i think if you make clear for them it is a hobby you will have no problems. (at least you can say you are not that adicted like the world of warcraft players... but that shot can go in the wrong way...)
Sometimes I do sometimes I don't....find it geeky that is.

I don't really tell girls that I play LFS online against people from all over the worlds, or my aunty, she's one of those - Oh they must all be paedophiles, if hes 15 it means he's 40 and so on.

I suppose if I got really clarty fat and un sociable I guess I would be a geek but thankfully i'm not and outside of LFS I do un geekish things to.

Ps. I play LFS with my socks on, when I used to come out of the shower my feet would stick to the pedals so I never play without socks.