The online racing simulator
uhm ok here is something strange,

just 10 minutes ago, a player called "Ardbug" joined the FM BF1 Oval Server. He was driving with keyboard and crashed several starts so i had to remove him after he spinned out the next start. Now in this very moment, as i have seen him spinning out, another guy with the same name and skin was right behind him. I had to restart because of the mess and in the next race i have noticed that this second guy called "Ardbug" as well, was not in the player- (connection) list but on track. After some crap laps he went to spectate and now? Where is he? Strange....

Edit: Failure said, he wasnt on lfsworld as well.

My Version: 0.5 U20
Server Version: 0.5U

Replay of the second start:
Attached files
ardbug.mpr - 410.1 KB - 148 views
#2 - filur
Quote from 510N3D :After some crap laps he went to spectate and now? Where is he? Strange....

Edit: Failure said, he wasnt on lfsworld as well.

He changed his playername while spectating, and his stats on LFSW are right here.
Quote from filur :He changed his playername while spectating, and his stats on LFSW are right here.

No he did not, in the race before the race (replay of second race uploaded above), i have seen both in the grid, the first in the grid has been removed but the second....he just went into spectator mode (in the next race). And sure i have seen his personal stats, but he was not in the Host List -> Server Status -> Player list on lfsw as well as in the game, before he joined spectator and after that.

Maybe he is still on the server and we dont even know about it.
#4 - filur
Quote from 510N3D :No he did not

I see Ardbug (santinodeltoro) join the spectators, and Santino Del Toro (santinodeltoro) leave the pits.
Ok, I was confused with your initial explanation but I had a look and it this is what I see.

The user santinodeltoro was on your server, and in the connections list he showed up as "Santino Del Toro", which would probably have to be a custom nickname because of the spaces. YET, in the positions list his custom name is under "Ardbug". Really strange.

I don't know if this is a bug, but it looks like one. I can only think it does have something to do with his name and how he changed it midgame or something. Maybe when you forced him to spectate he changed his name and something happened there . If you cannot reproduce this or can't give us information on what he did earlier, than I doubt we could figure this out. If you can, check your server logs and see what might have happened after he crashed and you forced him to spectate.

EDIT: Filur he didn't change his name when he went to spectate, it was already changed before this replay even started. But notice when he was kicked to spectator that this error message came up:
Quote :Could not find connection 8's client info

He was connection #8. So something was wrong with how he changed his name previously or something.
Quote from Tweaker :Ok, I was confused with your initial explanation but I had a look and it this is what I see.

The user santinodeltoro was on your server, and in the connections list he showed up as "Santino Del Toro", which would probably have to be a custom nickname because of the spaces. YET, in the positions list his custom name is under "Ardbug". Really strange.

I don't know if this is a bug, but it looks like one. I can only think it does have something to do with his name and how he changed it midgame or something. Maybe when you forced him to spectate he changed his name and something happened there . If you cannot reproduce this or can't give us information on what he did earlier, than I doubt we could figure this out. If you can, check your server logs and see what might have happened after he crashed and you forced him to spectate.

EDIT: Filur he didn't change his name when he went to spectate, it was already changed before this replay even started. But notice when he was kicked to spectator that this error message came up:

He was connection #8. So something was wrong with how he changed his name previously or something.

in case i forced him to spectate, this message would be there: "<Name> did not finished". But i dont said anything like this or did it. Damn it i had to restart the game because of the crashes so i cant show you the "2x Ardbug in a grid" bug. ;(

But thanks for figuring that out tweaker. I did not noticed "Santino Del Toro". Still strange.