This is 4 the dev's only THX
Is neway of getting a ping reader,like the 1 in the LFS gamelist 4 the list in lfsworld.
In fear online if ya ping is 2 high it will not let u in the game.Sumthin like that would b great.THX
...well im so sry.god, im sry im not as perfect as sum of u n00bs.Is it so hard 2 show me the way,instead of mockin me coz i didnt no it woz there.
I wouldnt go in a room if i seen the ping over 100,i no it will b laggy otherwise.& yes i did only want the DEV's 2 answer back.
Ulot need 2 find sumthing better 2 do with ya time coz sum of the posts in here r just dribble.
Is neway of getting a ping reader,like the 1 in the LFS gamelist 4 the list in lfsworld.
In fear online if ya ping is 2 high it will not let u in the game.Sumthin like that would b great.THX

I wouldnt go in a room if i seen the ping over 100,i no it will b laggy otherwise.& yes i did only want the DEV's 2 answer back.
Ulot need 2 find sumthing better 2 do with ya time coz sum of the posts in here r just dribble.