James frickin Allen, no question. I don't have cable so he's what I get, no choice. I'd mute the TV but I like Marty Brundle and I like engine noises (funny, that).
Curse ITV - why won't they give his parking space to someone who has half a clue? How much hate mail do you think they'd get about Mr "SHOUTY SHOUT OOPS I'VE MISSED EVERYTHING"?
He's annoying at a generally consistent level and if you concentrate on the racing you can tune him out and wait for Marty to say stuff. However, he pushed me beyond mere dislike and towards bloodshot-eyed hatred when Jense won his first race. Oh. My. GOD. JAMES, SHUT THE FARK UP! I know commentators can't be impartial all the time and can't help but be a little proud of their countrymen whipping arse but come on, James, it sounded like you had snorted four grams of crystal and won both the lottery AND a double date with Beyonce and Monica Bellucci. The screaming, the carrying on like a bloody idiot, Sheeezus! I wanted to slap you HARD. With Schuey's entire trophy collection.
I like the commentary, however, for the Australian GP as we get our own local blokes from Channel 10. Neil Crompton really is a great commentator as he's an ex-racer himself and is very knowledgeable about all things racing and is great at describing what's going on both on and off the track. He's very observant as well and doesn't get too excited. He usually gets paired with Bill Woods or another layman in the box, but even our most annoying motorsport commentator - Leigh Diffey, please stop shouting about everything - isn't a patch on James Allan. Funny how some commentators seem to equate excitement with volume... But our Darryl Beatie, an ex-500cc rider who does the MotoGP commentary down here (with Mr Shouty Diffey, poor Daz), rarely gets above a sleepy Aussie drawl, even if our Casey Stoner's challenging Vale for the lead and they're an inch apart
When we used to get Superbike coverage on free TV down here (bring them back you bastards!), whoever those British guys were who did the commentary were just awesome. They cracked me up