I know he is very busy, but i hve always wanted to talk to or meet te people who made FS coz they ROCK !
I know he is very busy, but i hve always wanted to talk to or meet te people who made FS coz they ROCK !
if(md5(file_get_contents('')) == 'md5 sum of online img') { $lfstatus = 'OnLine'; }
if(md5(file_get_contents('')) == 'md5 sum of offline img') { $lfstatus = 'OffLine'; }
if(md5(file_get_contents('')) == 'md5 sum of inpits img') { $lfstatus = 'In pits'; }
if(md5(file_get_contents('')) == 'md5 sum of spectating img') { $lfstatus = 'Spectating'; }
echo $lfstatus;